Science Fiction

Klara And The Sun (Kazuo Ishiguro) | Book Review

Klara And The Sun | Book Review

Science Fiction has that single most important drawback that it isn’t relatable at most times. It is unreal and you know it is not possible in the real world. That I think was the feeling from the start of Klara And The Sun. It was hard to imagine something like an Artificial Friend. And even if you do, you start to feel – does it have life? Is it the same as humans? Does it have it’s life cycle?

The start of the book took some time to get a hold of what exactly was happening. The idea of AFs in a store talking to each other, moving around, looking out the window – as I said, hard to absorb. But as the story moves on and you accept this as an unreal fiction, Klara And The Sun is a nice story.

There are a couple of things that the …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir) 🥉

Project Hail Mary | Book Review

3rd Rank 2021

Genius. That is the most apt summation for this mind boggling science fiction by Andy Weir. Being loaded with chunks of physics & science, Project Hail Mary would cater specifically to this audience. Or at least would be best enjoyed if one has an inclination towards this discipline. For a science enthusiast, this book is certainly not to be missed.

For someone like me, who has immense love for the subject, this book comes as a pure delight & nothing less. It is absolutely thrilling to see physics in full action, and how! Each segment of this book is a convincing testament to the sheer brilliance of the author Andy Weir and speaks highly of his command over the subject.

The premise of the book is a natural phenomena that is eating up the sun & gradually depriving the earth of it’s heat, which is essential for …


Filed under 2021 Top 3, Contemporary Reads