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  • The Bluff: Bonnie Traymore

    The Bluff | Bonnie Traymore | Book Review

    Plot Summary
    The Bluff by Bonnie Traymore bases it’s plot in the town of Crest Lake on Lake Michigan. The shoreline houses are facing a threat from the crumbling bluff on which they are situated. And the owners are divided in their opinion on how to save their houses.

    The main characters of the book are Kate Breslow (Sullivan), Claudia Mitchell, Ryan Breslow, Dough Mitchell, Margaret Brenner, Daisy Parker and the investigating team – Travis Whittaker, Sloane Davis & Chief Thompson. Kate & Claudia live two houses apart and have opposing views on the issue. While Kate lost her husband Ryan a year ago under mysterious circumstances, Dough Mitchell is killed right before the vote on the issue. And there begins the whodunnit case (actually …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue

    I Hope This Finds You Well | Book Review | Natalie Sue

    Plot Summary
    The story of I Hope This Finds You Well revolves around a corporate employee Jolene, socially awkward and unable to gel with her office colleagues. The central characters being Rhonda, Caitlin, Armin as her coworkers and Gregory their creepy boss. Frustrated with their habits & whims, she vents it out to them through texts in emails that she hides out with white fonts. On one such occasion, she forgets to white out her rant to Caitlin and gets into deep trouble casting a shadow over her job.

    As a result, she is put to a training course that she must pass to retain her job, wherein she comes close to the HR guy Clifford. In her bid to save her job, …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    Amazon Audible: Read Me A Story

    Amazon Audible Free Trial

    At times, do you feel too tired to read and just wish someone could read out a nice story while you sit back and relax? Do you miss those childhood days when your granny would narrate a bedtime story in a most vivid & cinematic way? Well Amazon Audible is just what you might be looking for! No, it’s not a granny narrating 😂, but a totally enjoyable experience all the same!

    What exactly is Amazon Audible?
    Audible is a subscription audiobook service. Just as you purchase Kindle books, you can buy Audio Books from Amazon. And, in place of having to read it, you can simply plug in your ear pods and start listening to the book. What’s more, it’s not just books. You have access to Audible Originals & an array of podcasts as well.

    Amazon Audible Catalog
    With a catalog of over 200,000 audiobooks spread over a …

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    An Author You Wish Wrote More Often: Andy Weir

    Writing these days seems to have become an annual (or bi-annual) affair. So many famous authors have set times of the years when you can expect their books to hit the bookshelves. Infact, I most keenly wait for my favorite authors’ books every year, so much so, I associate seasons with authors. While late winters may belong to Elle Cosimano with her Donovan books, spring time you can look forward to Emily Henry’s romantic reads. Come summers and you have David Baldacci & Simone St. James ready with their thrillers while autumns are truly reminiscent of Sir Jeffrey Archer or closer to home, Chetan Bhagat. And if you are lucky, a bonus Baldacci read!

    But yet, there are some authors you really wish wrote more. You are left craving for more with their last releases a while ago! And one such author for me is Andy Weir. Truly a …

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    Color e-Readers: Main Benefits & For Whom?

    Kobo recently launched two colored e-readers – Libra & Clara. Although I feel, they are the way to go, here are my two cents on their usefulness (or the lack of it) – and should you buy them? Note, this is not a technical review of the readers. For that, you will find a great review by Tech Radar here.

    Benefits of color e-readers
    I think color e-readers have two big pluses – first, when your book has lots of images which becomes a totally different experience viewing in color. And two, if you are someone who is in the habit of highlighting text a lot.

    The first scenario is quite fitting for comics or for academic texts of students that include pictures. The second is more a question of habit – I for example highlight notable quotes & important points in a book a lot. Without …

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    The Heiress

    Plot Summary

    Ruby McTavish, the infamous heiress of the Ashby House, Tavistock, leaves behind her inheritance to her adopted son Camden who is least interested in the money, estate or any of the McTavishes left and decides to stay away. 10 years later, a sequence of events draws Cam & has wife Jules back to Ashby House. And as they do so, there are revealed dark secrets that each of them had been guarding from the others. Ruby herself had her past – a kidnapping & 4 times widowed with an air of mystery surrounding it all. What was the truth behind her kidnapping, the truth about her husbands’ deaths, why did she adopt Camden, the reason for Cam & Jules returning are few …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads