
I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue

I Hope This Finds You Well | Book Review | Natalie Sue

Plot Summary
The story of I Hope This Finds You Well revolves around a corporate employee Jolene, socially awkward and unable to gel with her office colleagues. The central characters being Rhonda, Caitlin, Armin as her coworkers and Gregory their creepy boss. Frustrated with their habits & whims, she vents it out to them through texts in emails that she hides out with white fonts. On one such occasion, she forgets to white out her rant to Caitlin and gets into deep trouble casting a shadow over her job.

As a result, she is put to a training course that she must pass to retain her job, wherein she comes close to the HR guy Clifford. In her bid to save her job, …

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The Meet Cute Method (Portia Macintosh)

The Meet Cute Method | Book Review | Best Books 2022

Portia Macintosh means smiles and laughter. And substantiating the same, here is another rib-tickling, light-hearted and feel-good romcom that is guaranteed to make your day!

Frankie George, is a Love & Dating writer for Stylife magazine. Being done with all the dating apps and tech to find love, she decides to try the traditional ways and see if they work. The kind you see in movies when two lovers meet, which she calls the meet cutes. She decides to put herself into various such situations and see if they stir up a romance. And there starts a rollicking trip with some unimaginably hilarious situations and a series of disastrous meet cutes. You can’t but laugh out loud at these – one-after-another failed attempts of Frankie which are genuinely funny.

I do not wish to talk about the story or situations in any more detail here. For, it is …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Flying Solo: Linda Holmes | An uplifting read full of hope

Flying Solo by Linda Holmes is a wholly original and unique story leading you to the realization that it is not necessary to always conform to the way the world functions. It tells you, it is okay to be different, as long as you are happy in the world you create for yourself. And, it does so through a lovely story centered around Laurie, her great-aunt Dot and some charming supportive characters that include – her friend June, boyfriend Nick, her brothers (in particular Ryan) and a few others.

I found the concept of Flying Solo quite alluring. Laurie’s great-aunt Dot has just passed. Dot having been unmarried, has no children of her own. And Laurie takes it upon herself to sort through Dot’s belongings and give them a dignified send off. As she & June go through Dot’s stuff, I was drawn into this amazing feeling of how your


Filed under Contemporary Reads

The Village Of Happy Ever Afters: Small Town Romance At It’s Best

The Village Of Happy Ever Afters | Review

Rustic countryside charm. A dream world where life is still simple & laid back. Where people still love & care for each other. And, all of this amidst the quaint & picturesque hamlet which we know as Cranbridge from the Riverside Lane Series. Alison Sherlock’s latest book in the series, The Village Of Happy Ever Afters continues the calming & joyful journey into the enviable life of the people of Cranbridge with an easy to read and heart warming vibe.

The Village Of Happy Ever Afters follows the same tried and tested trope of a small town romance whilst saving a local business. With Alison Sherlock, you go in knowing what to expect. Yet, there was no way I was not going to read this book. It is like listening to a song over and over, but not ever getting bored as it soothes your heart. The Riverside …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, Riverside Lane

Book Lovers | A Feel Good Summer Read

Book Lovers | Book Review

I had been looking forward to Book Lovers even before the start of the year. With a back drop of books and publishing, it’s setting seemed just perfect. As the author says in the book, Is there anything better than iced coffee and a book store on a sunny day? I mean, aside from hot coffee and a book store on a rainy day! This truly echoes my sentiment and hence the eagerness for this book.

Book Lovers is largely circling the tried & tested trope of small town romance that involves saving a local business and falling for a local guy in the process. At first, I was wondering if the book is trying to dispel this, or is it itself one of the same?

The book takes a magnificent start with Dusty’s novel Once In A Lifetime – that follows the same trope – becoming a runaway success. …


Filed under Contemporary Reads

A Brush With Love | Book Review

A Brush With Love | Book Review

I am not a big fan of romantic novels and rarely go for them. But I made an exception with Mazey Eddings’ debut – A Brush With Love (Yes, another debut of 2022!). Thanks to it’s extremely intriguing premise, I was quick to pick on this book.

An aspiring dental surgeon, slipping over the stairs, bumping into a handsome young man and falling in love. Perfect ingredients for a swashbuckling romcom! A Brush With Love is your raunchy little entertainer that showcases those vulnerable times of life. The sweet pain of infatuations when the heart battles with the brain, leaving you in shambles.

Harper Horowitz, our bright aspirant is committed towards securing a residency. With a history of chronic anxiety, she is carving her path – determined yet vulnerable. But with Dan around, her whole life seems to be derailed.

A Brush With Love takes you through the conflicting desires, …


Filed under Contemporary Reads