Non Fiction

Charles Babbage – The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Computers

Charles Babbage | The Father Of Modern Computers

Published: 2020

Living in the Digital Age that we are, it is so strange and ironical that so little has been said or written about the people who laid the seeds of it. In particular, the man we know as The Father Of Modern Computers Charles Babbage.

I recall, we were first introduced to computers and programming back in the late 80s. The IBM PCs that booted with floppy disks. And you couldn’t take your shoes into the computer room! Backed with six air conditioners, the room used to be a haven for the curious kids. They were the times of BASIC and dBase and the beginning of an ever lasting love for computers and programming. And amidst this, there used to be a small paragraph in our text on The Father Of Modern Computers. And, it stayed with me ever since.

This book, Charles Babbage – The

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How To Stop Worrying And Start Living (Dale Carnegie) | Life Changing Book

How To Stop Worrying | Dale Carnegie

Published: 1948

Have you been a nervous wreck all your life? Do small little things worry you no ends? Do you take things too seriously and never find yourself able to relax or chill? As soon as one of your tasks get accomplished, does your mind – out of nowhere – find another responsibility to fulfill rather than cherishing or celebrating the accomplishment?

Well, I was all of this, and much more. It was instilled in my nature to get worried. “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living” was no less but a Godsend for me. Why else would I have out-of-the-blue logged in to amazon and start browsing their kindle section? And why, out of no where, did this splendid read from Dale Carnegie show up staring into my face, when I had not at all searched for a book on worry? This was being offered for Prime Reading, …

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