Literary Fiction


YellowFace | RF Kuang | Book Review

Before I get to the YellowFace book review, I have to say, I had to push myself to pick this one up since I had just recently read A Likely Story which broadly had a similar premise. And that being, plagiarism or publishing someone else’s work as yours. In both the books, we have the protagonist stumbling upon their dead relative/friend’s manuscript. They work upon it to make it their own, and they publish it as their own. But strikingly different is the handling & the routes that the stories take from there on. And so, I am more than happy I read this one which is surely a crisp, pacey & unputdownable read.

I have read people dissect the book …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

A Likely Story

A Likely Story | Book Review | Leigh McMullan Abramson

A nice, easy & engaging read. That is how I would describe the debut novel A Likely Story. The plot had a lot of potential and delivers to a reasonable extent.

This is the story about the Manning family which centres around a New York Times Bestseller author Ward Manning – a man full of himself & always in need of having his ego stroked. He is presented as ruthless – willing to go to any extent to defend his fame & popularity. His wife Claire – a kind hearted & giving person – who plays a major role in Ward’s success but goes unacknowledged. Their daughter Isabelle – an upcoming writer awaiting her first publication.

As Isabelle is led to …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Hello Beautiful

Hello Beautiful | Book Review | Best Books 2023 | Ann Napolitano

A heart wrenching, emotional family saga – Hello Beautiful is indeed a beautiful book, one of the few that have left me shaken and teary eyed with it’s heart-piercing storyline & mesmerising writing. An exemplary & solid read is this one!

Hello Beautiful is the story of the Padavano family. Ann Napolitano’s book kick starts in 4th gear with extraordinarily immersive writing. The loving description of William’s little sister, all of 3 years – whom he never saw – it strikes a chord in your heart. The author succeeds in conquering the reader’s feelings straight away and effortlessly drives the story into William becoming a basketball player and subsequently meeting Julia. The scene where Julia approaches him and asks ‘Why are you so tall?’

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Prettier If She Smiled More

Prettier If She Smiled More | Book Review

An extremely free flowing, fluent & easy to read pick. Welcome back the Schnabel family that enthralled us with wit, humor and wackiness last year, and is all set to repeat here. Prettier If She Smiled More instantly draws you in with it’s simplistic & light-hearted vibes which assure it to be a feel-good read.

While Dinner With The Schnabels had Tansy’s family (Simon and the kids) in the thick of things, this time round we have her sister Kylie taking limelight. It’s always good when a sequel gives a supporting character of the past, a chance to be the main lead. It starts with Kylie having a disastrous week with 3 disasters coming her way one after …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, The Schnabel Family

Someone Else’s Shoes

Someone Else's Shoes | Jojo Moyes | Book Review

Someone Else’s Shoes is a lovable story with a unique & original plot that makes for a light, enjoyable read. It has two stories running in parallel – revolving around the lives of the two protagonists, Sam & Nisha – which converge together resulting in some utmost funny & boisterous situations.

Sam Kemp is a middle aged woman, leading a mundane middle-class life – never quite free from worrying about bills, job, boss and so on. Her husband Phil has lost his job and going through a rough patch of depression. As a result, she is compelled to run the household single handedly.

Nisha Cantor on the other hand is quite the opposite. Married to a rich man Carl, she was leading a luxurious …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Our Missing Hearts

Our Missing Hearts | Book Review | Celeste Ng

Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng is a dystopia highlighting the discrimination & injustice against the Asian community in America. Set in the years of Crisis (recession), it quiet effectively points out how the Asians (in particular China) were blamed for the situation and how cruelly the political system wrongs them in it’s name. It’s main focus is PACT, a law enforced to protect American culture & tradition from these outsiders. In the name of PACT, children were taken from their families on slightest pretext – so as to guard them against such maligned, Anti-American views. And thereof, what the child & the families go through.

The first bit of the book gets your attention with the poignant descriptions …

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