
The Mystery Guest (Nita Prose) πŸ₯‡πŸ”°

Book Of The Year 2023;
Best Character 2023 (Molly Gray);
All Time Best Reads

As the reading year draws to an end, here comes Molly once again, and easily climbs straight up to the best reads of 2023. Nita Prose successfully accomplishes the hardest thing to achieve – following up a runaway hit with an equally enthralling sequel. And not only does this second book maintain the charm & appeal of the first, but it also far outdoes it.

The book begins with an acclaimed mystery author J.D. Grimthorpe dropping dead just ahead of a much-publicized announcement he was due to make in the Regency Grand’s tearoom. And as the book itself keeps reminding you, …

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Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, Molly The Maid, πŸ”°All Time Best Books

Prettier If She Smiled More

Prettier If She Smiled More | Book Review

An extremely free flowing, fluent & easy to read pick. Welcome back the Schnabel family that enthralled us with wit, humor and wackiness last year, and is all set to repeat here. Prettier If She Smiled More instantly draws you in with it’s simplistic & light-hearted vibes which assure it to be a feel-good read.

While Dinner With The Schnabels had Tansy’s family (Simon and the kids) in the thick of things, this time round we have her sister Kylie taking limelight. It’s always good when a sequel gives a supporting character of the past, a chance to be the main lead. It starts with Kylie having a disastrous week with 3 disasters coming her way one after …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, The Schnabel Family

Finlay Donovan Jumps The Gun

Finlay Donovan Jumps The Gun | Book Review | Elle Cosimano

Let me begin by saying that I love the characters of Finlay Donovan & Vero – what a swashbuckling team they make! And add to it the two little monsters Delia & Zach! This is what the Finlay Donovan Series has treated us to till now – a stunning mixture of suspense, thrill and humor! No wonder, expectations were high from this much anticipated read of 2023.

But as soon as you pick this 3rd version, you quite easily can sense something amiss. Something lacking in the book right from the beginning. It has a slower than expected start. Valuable time is squandered in reintroducing characters here and there. Yet, they were not easy to recall. I strongly felt the need …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, Finlay Donovan

Someone Else’s Shoes

Someone Else's Shoes | Jojo Moyes | Book Review

Someone Else’s Shoes is a lovable story with a unique & original plot that makes for a light, enjoyable read. It has two stories running in parallel – revolving around the lives of the two protagonists, Sam & Nisha – which converge together resulting in some utmost funny & boisterous situations.

Sam Kemp is a middle aged woman, leading a mundane middle-class life – never quite free from worrying about bills, job, boss and so on. Her husband Phil has lost his job and going through a rough patch of depression. As a result, she is compelled to run the household single handedly.

Nisha Cantor on the other hand is quite the opposite. Married to a rich man Carl, she was leading a luxurious …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It | Book Review | Elle Cosimano

Book #1 of the Finlay Donovan series introduces Finlay Donovan alongside other recurring characters who are sure to endear themselves to the reader. A single mom of two adorable kids Delia & Zach, Finlay Donovan is struggling to write her novel with the deadline looming, 2 young kids needing her, unpaid bills and a babysitter fired by her ex husband.

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It hits the perfect note right from the word go with some utterly funny situational comic scenes and a wacky protagonist fighting her way through her daily grind. A discussion of her plot for the new novel with her agent is overheard by a by-sitter who mistakes Finlay for a contract killer & hands …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, Finlay Donovan

The Meet Cute Method (Portia Macintosh)

The Meet Cute Method | Book Review | Best Books 2022

Portia Macintosh means smiles and laughter. And substantiating the same, here is another rib-tickling, light-hearted and feel-good romcom that is guaranteed to make your day!

Frankie George, is a Love & Dating writer for Stylife magazine. Being done with all the dating apps and tech to find love, she decides to try the traditional ways and see if they work. The kind you see in movies when two lovers meet, which she calls the meet cutes. She decides to put herself into various such situations and see if they stir up a romance. And there starts a rollicking trip with some unimaginably hilarious situations and a series of disastrous meet cutes. You can’t but laugh out loud at these – one-after-another failed attempts of Frankie which are genuinely funny.

I do not wish to talk about the story or situations in any more detail here. For, it is …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads