Feel Good Books

Book Lovers | A Feel Good Summer Read

Book Lovers | Book Review

I had been looking forward to Book Lovers even before the start of the year. With a back drop of books and publishing, it’s setting seemed just perfect. As the author says in the book, Is there anything better than iced coffee and a book store on a sunny day? I mean, aside from hot coffee and a book store on a rainy day! This truly echoes my sentiment and hence the eagerness for this book.

Book Lovers is largely circling the tried & tested trope of small town romance that involves saving a local business and falling for a local guy in the process. At first, I was wondering if the book is trying to dispel this, or is it itself one of the same?

The book takes a magnificent start with Dusty’s novel Once In A Lifetime – that follows the same trope – becoming a runaway success. …


Filed under Contemporary Reads

Lessons In Chemistry | Book Review

Lessons In Chemistry | Book Review

And yes, I finally got my hands on Lessons In Chemistry this week! Being one of the most anticipated books of 2022, it marks yet another rollicking debut of 2022, in the most flamboyant fashion.

This is the story of Elizabeth Zott, a self educated, able and competent chemist. Pursuing her research on abiogenesis, she is constantly on the receiving end of discrimination and injustice, being a woman. Upon loosing her formal job, she finds herself don the role of a cooking show – reluctantly albeit. And bang! The show is a runaway success. And, Zott becomes an inspiration for the women across the nation.

A few pages into the book and you know you have a winner at hand. This was a perfect setting for a scintillating, humorous read with a sharp message.

The first thing that I loved about this book was the two unforgettable characters of …


Filed under Contemporary Reads

Dinner With The Schnabels (Toni Jordan)🥉

Dinner With The Schnabels | Book Review

Winner: 3rd Ranked Book 2022

An adorable, funny and heart-warming book. Dinner With The Schnabels bowled me over instantly! It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say, this is the funniest book I have read to date! A modern day classic from Toni Jordan!

Set amidst the pandemic lockdowns, it is a sweet story of the Schnabel family. It begins with Tansy Schnabel visiting a law firm seeking divorce related advise. Her husband, Simon Larsen has lost his business to the lockdown and is stationed at home entangled in a sundry of household chores and a stagnant life.

A landscaping assignment for a friend comes calling. Being the venue of Tansy’s estranged father’s memorial service, it is bound by an impossibly unforgiving deadline. As Simon slugs through this daunting task, the story takes you on a joy ride with the arrival of an unexpected guest, two adorable kids and …


Filed under 2022 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, The Schnabel Family

A Brush With Love | Book Review

A Brush With Love | Book Review

I am not a big fan of romantic novels and rarely go for them. But I made an exception with Mazey Eddings’ debut – A Brush With Love (Yes, another debut of 2022!). Thanks to it’s extremely intriguing premise, I was quick to pick on this book.

An aspiring dental surgeon, slipping over the stairs, bumping into a handsome young man and falling in love. Perfect ingredients for a swashbuckling romcom! A Brush With Love is your raunchy little entertainer that showcases those vulnerable times of life. The sweet pain of infatuations when the heart battles with the brain, leaving you in shambles.

Harper Horowitz, our bright aspirant is committed towards securing a residency. With a history of chronic anxiety, she is carving her path – determined yet vulnerable. But with Dan around, her whole life seems to be derailed.

A Brush With Love takes you through the conflicting desires, …


Filed under Contemporary Reads

Wahala (Nikki May)

Wahala | Book Review

Trouble! The literal meaning of Wahala. And, the book – a complete riot! This is one heck of a debut, adding to the ever growing list of stunning books from first-time authors. A wacky read, Wahala is a fun filled entertainer from the word go. Friendship, misunderstandings, love and deceit – spun together with some splendid writing by Nikki May.

Wahala is the story of three mixed race friends, namely Ronke, Boo and Simi. Now living in London, the three are inseparable and always have each other’s back. But only until the conniving Isobel interlopes and causes havoc in their friendship.

Nikki May takes you through the parallel stories of each character as Isobel dislodges their lives. Isobel who is Simi’s friend from school, gains entry into their gang. Consequently, her vile intentions soon take root. First, in soft soaping Boo to become her puppet. And next, brain washing …


Filed under Contemporary Reads

Lost Property (Helen Paris) | Book Review

Lost Property - Helen Paris | Book Review

A Lost Property office where people come looking for their lost belongings while some other considerate ones painstakingly to deposit something they found. The premise interested me instantly and promised to be a lovable read. And to start with, it kept up to the promise. It made for an interesting read to see the items people lost, how they were tagged and deposited in the Lost Property with smallest distinguishing descriptions making all the difference as to whether or not it shall get reunited with it’s owner, how each of these things may mean much more to it’s owner. And the joy when someone comes looking for it and is rewarded with the reunion. Albeit, not always so.

It is quite fascinating to read how this office works and how the lost items go through various stages – being tagged in, awaiting claim, moved to the pit of unclaimed items …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads