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  • The Edge

    Travis Devine returns for a second run with the much awaited, highly anticipated sequel to The 6:20 Man! The former U.S. Army Ranger Devine is assigned a new case by his mentor Emerson Campbell to investigate the murder of Jenny Silkwell, a case of personal interest to Campbell. As Devine travels to the small town of Putnam in Maine, he uncovers various secrets & the darker side of this small seemingly quaint town.

    The Edge is everything you look for in a thriller, more pertinently, a David Baldacci thriller. It is fast paced, gripping and addictive from the word go. The twists, the constant lurking danger, the ruthless brute power displayed by Devine at various instances and the emotional side to …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads, Travis Devine

    The Five-Star Weekend

    The perfect way to sum up The Five-Star Weekend is a phrase from the book itself – “Your Life Story In Friends”. Hollis Shaw, recently widowed, organizes a Five-Star Weekend inspired by another woman to overcome her grief and mourning. This entails inviting one best friend from each phase of her life at her childhood home in Nantucket. For this weekend, she invites her childhood friend Tatum, best friend from college Dru Ann, Brooke from their children’s growing up years and Gigi a recent online acquaintance from her blog.

    As such, this idea felt extremely original and enticing. I loved this concept of a weekend with your best friends over the years. Each of these people have problems of …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    Traitors Gate: William Warwick#6

    Traitors Gate

    Come autumn and rises the anticipation for the new Jeffrey Archer release. Such has been the pattern for the past few years that the William Warwick series has become an inseparable part of the season for me! And so, here I was – all set and waiting with my copy of Traitor’s Gate pre booked well in advance.

    My first impressions of the book were pretty clear, this 6th book in the Warwick series promised to be the best. To begin with, we have all the regular characters returning back – William, Beth, Miles Faulkner, Booth Watson, Sir Julian Warwick and last but not the least Christina! It is a pleasure to meet these bunch of people yet again for a fun …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick

    The Silent Patient : Spoiler Alert!

    The Silent Patient | Book Review | Alex Michaelides

    This is a book I had been wanting to read for long. I had read The Maidens by Alex Michaelides and had loved it. The Silent Patient was his debut novel and a runaway success. Yet I somehow kept pushing it back. Finally I got the chance to devour this scintillating thriller, and all I can say is it is worthy of all the huge success it has seen!

    Late as it is to review this book, I’d rather just quickly talk of what I loved about it. Usually I put the spoilers under a clickable head, but here it looks more suitable to talk of them in the open to highlight the highs of this book. So those not wanting to

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    Filed under Misc. Reads

    None Of This Is True (Lisa Jewell) 🥉

    None Of This Is True | Book Review | Lisa Jewel

    3rd Ranked Book 2023;
    Best Negative Character 2023 (Josie Fair)

    A scintillating, addictive, dark story. Stunning narration & tantalizing suspense which continues to deceive till the very end. This basically sums up this page turner by Lisa Jewell.

    None Of This Is True is about 2 women – Alix & Josie – who share the same birthday. They happen to be celebrating their 45th birthday in the same pub at the same time, where Josie befriends Alix introducing herself to Alix as “I am your birthday twin“. Alix is a popular podcaster and as Josie gets to know about it, she talks Alix into doing a podcast about her. And there on the …

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    Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads

    The Covenant Of Water

    The Covenant Of Water | Book Review | Abraham Verghese

    The Covenant Of Water is a story that spans 77 years and 3 generations of a South Indian family. Set in the village of Parambil in Kerala, the story endears you with this little girl – all of 12 years of age – being taken by her uncle & widowed mother to Parambil to marry her off to a much older man of an affluent family. The innocence of the child alongside inherent fears and sadness of separation from her mother comes across beautifully in the initial part of the book.

    How the girl finds a mother and confidant in Thankamma – who eases her into the new household – is lovable. The story draws you effortlessly as …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads