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  • How To Stop Worrying And Start Living (Dale Carnegie) | Life Changing Book

    How To Stop Worrying | Dale Carnegie

    Published: 1948

    Have you been a nervous wreck all your life? Do small little things worry you no ends? Do you take things too seriously and never find yourself able to relax or chill? As soon as one of your tasks get accomplished, does your mind – out of nowhere – find another responsibility to fulfill rather than cherishing or celebrating the accomplishment?

    Well, I was all of this, and much more. It was instilled in my nature to get worried. “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living” was no less but a Godsend for me. Why else would I have out-of-the-blue logged in to amazon and start browsing their kindle section? And why, out of no where, did this splendid read from Dale Carnegie show up staring into my face, when I had not at all searched for a book on worry? This was being offered for Prime Reading, …

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    Filed under Misc. Reads

    Small Pleasures (Clare Chambers) | Book Review

    Small Pleasures | Book Review

    Why did I read this book? That is the question you sometimes ask yourself. And Small Pleasures by Clare Chambers makes me do just this. The answer actually is simple. One, it was longlisted for the Booker Prize 2021. And two, the rave reviews online touting this as one of the best you may find. Unfortunately, I was hugely disappointed.

    The second question that comes to mind is – How did I read this book? Actually, when I do not find a book to my liking, I usually discard it midway, not willing to bother myself over something that is not for me. I had basically read past about 80% of the book when I really felt I just wish to stop with it. So, with just some bit of remaining, I rather finish reading it!

    Maybe it is just a question of personal taste, since most people have held …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    A Town Called Solace (Mary Lawson) | Book Review

    A Town Called Solace | Book Review

    Silence is the best applause. And this book deserves the same – silence. Not any dissection, not any review. I however cannot abstain from a little praise for this amazing book – what I loved most about it.

    This is a beautiful tale, endearing and heart warming – that hints at the second chances everyone deserves in their lives.

    The setting and characterizations are the highlight of this book by Mary Lawson. A quite, sleepy town with nature in full bloom. I always have dreamt of living in a place like Solace – a small, self contained town, amidst nature with beautiful scenery and affable people who care for each other. A small little market & the bare essentials of life – keeping things simple and free from unnecessary complications.

    Coming to the characterizations, a small little girl with disarming innocence and a resolve to rebound. The parts of the …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    Klara And The Sun (Kazuo Ishiguro) | Book Review

    Klara And The Sun | Book Review

    Science Fiction has that single most important drawback that it isn’t relatable at most times. It is unreal and you know it is not possible in the real world. That I think was the feeling from the start of Klara And The Sun. It was hard to imagine something like an Artificial Friend. And even if you do, you start to feel – does it have life? Is it the same as humans? Does it have it’s life cycle?

    The start of the book took some time to get a hold of what exactly was happening. The idea of AFs in a store talking to each other, moving around, looking out the window – as I said, hard to absorb. But as the story moves on and you accept this as an unreal fiction, Klara And The Sun is a nice story.

    There are a couple of things that the …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    The Midnight Library (Matt Haig) | Book Review

    The Midnight Library | Book Review

    The Midnight Library is an immensely useful book that comes in handy for anyone who feels the need or scope of improvement in their lives or way of living and view of life. Though fiction, it is not a fun or leisure read. If you look for something to learn from what you read, and not just a plain simple story telling, this book fits into the slot.

    The book has some good awakening thoughts. The book is basically telling you not to have regrets in life. It emphasizes the need to be content with one’s life as there is no life that is immune to some sadness and disappointment. No life is perfect. The Midnight Library propagates the existence of parallel universes – it tells you that doing one thing differently is often the same as doing everything differently – which probably is quite true. It makes me think, …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    Falling (T.J. Newman) | Book Review

    Falling - T.J. Newman | Book Review

    I have always been fascinated by airplanes from as far as I remember – probably most children are. An airplane with it’s gigantic size and roaring engines is such a beauty to watch, and as it takes off or lands – it looks so majestic! “Air Crash Investigation” on Nat Geo has been one of my favorite knowledge based shows. It just intrigues such a great deal to see what caused such a dream machine to meet a disaster, or maybe avert one. Thus, when I picked up this book, I had all these expectations of it – it would definitely be a crisis situation (maybe a technical failure, maybe a natural factor or maybe a hijack) and how the captain, crew & passengers come together to face it, and overcome it – with some heroic deeds that would stand tall – something like Titanic. I had for long been …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads