The Silent Patient : Spoiler Alert!

The Silent Patient | Book Review | Alex Michaelides

This is a book I had been wanting to read for long. I had read The Maidens by Alex Michaelides and had loved it. The Silent Patient was his debut novel and a runaway success. Yet I somehow kept pushing it back. Finally I got the chance to devour this scintillating thriller, and all I can say is it is worthy of all the huge success it has seen!

Late as it is to review this book, I’d rather just quickly talk of what I loved about it. Usually I put the spoilers under a clickable head, but here it looks more suitable to talk of them in the open to highlight the highs of this book. So those not wanting to spoil the thrill and suspense, you may kindly skip.

The start to the book is quite intriguing with Alicia Brenson beginning to write her diary. And it is this diary that holds all the clues and importance at the very end! The whole idea about that intriguing painting & it’s obscurity – what it is conveying – it makes for an exciting read piquing your curiosity all the time.

I love the Greek Mythology flavor that Michaelides brings to his books. It was so very interesting to read about ALCESTIS and keep wondering how it relates to the given context. At the end, it makes so much of sense after all!

What is also commendable about Michaelides is how seamlessly the two stories converge at the end. Exquisite writing! Its like a punch in the face, but you don’t realise it until a few moments later. The point where Theo’s identity is revealed is the high point of the book catapulting it to another level!

Amidst all the things, what I also admired is the character of Alicia that comes across at the end. A fearless and solid character who isn’t afraid to challenge Theo at the end, even at the cost of risking her life! She is almost playing with him – telling him she has recognised him by changing the end of the story about Gabriel’s death. Wow!

If I talk of the downside, though there isn’t much, but I felt the book lacked that spine chilling sequences and situations that The Maidens so perfectly displayed. Personally, I think I like it a little more than The Silent Patient. It went sort of bland towards the middle. But it is the end that works for it and makes it one of the best thrillers out there. How Alicia succeeds in incriminating her malefactor is extremely satisfying and a fitting end to a wonderfully written book. So to conclude, The Silent Patient is a book definitely worth your time. Go for it!

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