Charles Babbage – The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Computers

Charles Babbage | The Father Of Modern Computers

Published: 2020

Living in the Digital Age that we are, it is so strange and ironical that so little has been said or written about the people who laid the seeds of it. In particular, the man we know as The Father Of Modern Computers Charles Babbage.

I recall, we were first introduced to computers and programming back in the late 80s. The IBM PCs that booted with floppy disks. And you couldn’t take your shoes into the computer room! Backed with six air conditioners, the room used to be a haven for the curious kids. They were the times of BASIC and dBase and the beginning of an ever lasting love for computers and programming. And amidst this, there used to be a small paragraph in our text on The Father Of Modern Computers. And, it stayed with me ever since.

This book, Charles Babbage – The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Computers (by Charles River Editors), was a perfect find to pique my forever present curiosity to know more about the great man. And as such, this book fits perfectly in the role of introducing you to Charles Babbage, his major achievements and gives an insight into the evolution of computers.

What I liked best about this book is that it is to the point, concise and informative. It focusses on the relevant details and events marking Babbage’s life and career. Most such books tend to go overboard with detail, quite easily capable of overwhelming you. But not this one. It presents itself in an easy to absorb manner, only offering as much as can comfortably be grasped.

The book begins by giving a broad picture of the early mechanical devices and innovations leading to Babbage’s Difference Engine. It maintains a perfect balance between tracing the personal life and the major career achievements of Babbage. From being a curious child to his time at Trinity, his family, friends and interests – you get a peek into all. It also gives a brief mention of Lady Ada LovelaceThe World’d First Programmer and how Babbage and her made for a brilliant team. It is wonderful to read and acquaint yourself with these pieces of information.

Another good thing about this book is, it doesn’t get too technical. While it gives you a complete and wonderful insight into Babbage’s works and various inventions, it doesn’t loose focus on the person by over detailing the work. Of course, for those of us who wish to learn more of it, there are some great reads available on the Difference Engine or Analytical Engine as well. I am sure I would like to read those at some point.


Both for any budding programmer, or for someone who has spent a good part of his life in the love of programming, this book is unmissable. A quick and undemanding way to educate yourself about the history of the subject you love. Even for a layman, it makes for an interesting read just knowing how computers have evolved to their present day form from large bulky machines with thousands of parts and weighing tons. A highly recommended read.

The book is however only available in kindle version, which you can get here Charles Babbage

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One Response to Charles Babbage – The Life and Legacy of the Father of Modern Computers

  1. PS

    Wow! Love to read it. Getting it soon

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