Wahala (Nikki May)

Wahala | Book Review

Trouble! The literal meaning of Wahala. And, the book – a complete riot! This is one heck of a debut, adding to the ever growing list of stunning books from first-time authors. A wacky read, Wahala is a fun filled entertainer from the word go. Friendship, misunderstandings, love and deceit – spun together with some splendid writing by Nikki May.

Wahala is the story of three mixed race friends, namely Ronke, Boo and Simi. Now living in London, the three are inseparable and always have each other’s back. But only until the conniving Isobel interlopes and causes havoc in their friendship.

Nikki May takes you through the parallel stories of each character as Isobel dislodges their lives. Isobel who is Simi’s friend from school, gains entry into their gang. Consequently, her vile intentions soon take root. First, in soft soaping Boo to become her puppet. And next, brain washing them against eachother. What results is a series of misunderstandings, fights, confusion and chaos.

Entertaining And Engrossing

One of the best things about Wahala is it’s unique & entertaining premise. Nikki May’s crisp writing adds to the overall feel of the book. This is like watching a movie with sequences that have you say – Oh Heck! Why can’t they see Isobel’s intentions! Don’t confide in her!!

It is funny and interesting to see how Isobel incites differences between them. Likewise, the later part of the story is resplendent with excitement as it shifts gears. Things start to fall in place with a series of revelations and disclosures.

Favorite Characters

Wahala is a story full of diverse characters. I would thus stick to talking only about my favorite characters here. The character of Ronke clearly stands out. She comes across as the most level headed of the lot, always meaning good to others. Even in the midst of a dirty fight, her empathy stays put.

And next is Sophia, the little daughter of Boo. One little monster that she is, her sequences always bring a laugh amidst all the chaos. Her little parts with her father, her confident yet innocent banter are unmissable.

Mystery And Suspense Element

Much unexpected, but Wahala has it’s share of suspense elements. Quite a few mysteries are revealed towards the end. These add a zing to the already exceptional story. One could hardly expect this book to turn into a mystery, and that makes it all the more enjoyable.

To exemplify, a question that arises as you read is, why Isobel is hell bent on destroying their friendship. I believed her to be one of those characters who derive sadistic pleasure in doing so. To a point it was right as well. However, the actual reason for it is disclosed towards the end.

Racism In A New Light
Wahala | Book Review | Nikki May

Off late, many books have touched upon the subject of racial bias. Take Charmaine Wilkerson’s Black Cake for instance. Likewise, Nikki May’s book has numerous sequences highlighting discrimination based on color. However, she doesn’t go about preaching or making voice about it. Instead, she adds a tinge of humor. She gives it a light-hearted presentation, without trivializing the issue. Subtle and readable.

All Is Well That Ends Well!

By the end of the book, I was hoping for the three friends to become a unit as before. And, without divulging much, the book did not disappoint me. I also specially loved Nikki May’s little touch, by keeping a ray of hope alive for Ronke.


2022 has most definitely been the year of debutant authors. With Wahala, Nikki May has announced her arrival in the best possible manner. This is a book you would love. A feel good book that shall leave you smiling. I really hope such books do not get overshadowed by the over hyped releases. It is very easy to miss this book. I literally had to dig it out on Amazon. And to make sure you don’t, here it is!

Book Rating 8.5

On a sidenote, hope you haven’t missed another rollicking book of 2022 – The Maid | Book Review


Filed under Contemporary Reads

6 Responses to Wahala (Nikki May)

  1. Kunal

    I loved this book mate! Couldn’t agree more…. Its one crackling read…
    Am enjoying yr blog!

  2. Pingback: Dinner With The Schnabels | Book Review - BookForums | The Book Blog

  3. PS

    I think Nikki May weaved the story remarkably. So many characters, one leading to the second to the third. Each with their small story and traits. And the outsider who bombs in. The confusion is handled most brilliantly.

  4. Absolutely! Very unique plot handled brilliantly 🙂

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