I hate winters. And, that is the truth – I hate winters! With the chilling cold & dullness around, I still managed a handful of reads.
Also worth mentioning, I took time off from new books to read the past works of some authors I admire. And woah, was it not worth!
Orbital by Samantha Harvey
I am pretty sure now and can safely say, I just can’t get along with these Booker nominated books. And here we have not just a nomination but a winner. And as always, not my kind. Suffices to say, I didnt enjoy it, period.
The Curse of Muziris by Hamish Morjaria
Thoroughly enjoyable read! The fact that it was based in India, had a historical touch and the ever looming secret. All adds up to an exciting experience.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by TJK
*Claps* *Claps* & more *Claps* for TJK once again. I don’t think anyone can equal her in creating these larger than life characters, showcasing their journey from scratch to the legends they became. A very accomplished read, not failing to give you a few takeaways for life’s learnings.
The Martian by Andy Weir
And here we come. It’s proven for sure now. No one can write science fiction like Andy Weir does. I think, what makes Andy Weir unique and way ahead in his genre is how he makes science fiction believable. Be it Martian or be it Project Hail Mary, you feel such a thing can actually happen. A Petrova Line could actually exist somewhere. One could actually be stranded on Mars & his sheer extinct of survival takes him through. The Martian made me think, how often do we talk of loneliness & depression? And here we have a man, stranded on a planet – the only one to exist on the plant, no communication with anyone – and yet, he survives, he gets through! This has got to be one of my all time favorites for sure.
With summers round the corner, there are also some exciting books coming from some of my favorite authors. I already have got my hands on Good Dirt by the amazing Charmaine Wilkerson. Can’t wait to read it!!