The Village Of Happy Ever Afters: Small Town Romance At It’s Best

The Village Of Happy Ever Afters | Review

Rustic countryside charm. A dream world where life is still simple & laid back. Where people still love & care for each other. And, all of this amidst the quaint & picturesque hamlet which we know as Cranbridge from the Riverside Lane Series. Alison Sherlock’s latest book in the series, The Village Of Happy Ever Afters continues the calming & joyful journey into the enviable life of the people of Cranbridge with an easy to read and heart warming vibe.

The Village Of Happy Ever Afters follows the same tried and tested trope of a small town romance whilst saving a local business. With Alison Sherlock, you go in knowing what to expect. Yet, there was no way I was not going to read this book. It is like listening to a song over and over, but not ever getting bored as it soothes your heart. The Riverside Lane books are the same. They are like a melody that bring calm, warmth and joy to your heart.

To start with, it is a delight to see all those familiar characters once again. Josh, Amber, Pete, Belle, Tom, Lucy, Dodgy Del and others. These are characters who had an instant connect with the reader in the previous books with their unique traits and amiability. Each book has had one of them (more aptly, a couple) as the protagonist. And in The Village Of Happy Ever Afters, it is the sweet-natured & kind-hearted Molly at the center stage.

The story makes use of Molly’s baking skills to setup a tea garden in the vacant land & unoccupied shop towards the end of the lane. Meanwhile, Stanley’s grandson Logan (a furniture maker by profession) is having a stop-over at Cranbridge as he tries to figure out his future. Sounds familiar? Well, it is πŸ™‚ As fate would have it, they were destined to cross paths as they help each other establish their business, and fall in love. And, Logan’s temporary stay ends up being his future, much like Amber, Pete or Lucy in the past.

Probably this is an oversimplification of this lovable book. But it gives you a glimpse into what to expect. It also introduces some new characters in Adam & Ben – Molly’s twin brothers, and Dodgy Del’s niece Olivia. There is a budding romance – just on the sidelines – between Adam & Olivia. Probably could be built upon in the next book.

The highlight, however for me, is the old & inoperative watermill – so characteristic of the rustic feel of this place. It is fascinating how Logan goes about mending it, though you know all the time, it will finally work. You can well imagine the beauty of the scene when it starts rolling!

I feel, the most likable thing about Alison Sherlock is that she she keeps her books clean, devoid of unnecessary raunchiness that would otherwise mar the laid back, simplistic pulse of the book. Her books are brimming with the old world charm and simplicity. If there is one fictional place that I would want to visit, it has to be Cranbridge without any doubt. Speaks volumes of the amazing talent of the author who has painted such a beautiful & convincing picture that almost feels like real.

I actually didn’t want to compare this book to the others in the series. But if you have read the previous books, it is hard to isolate and a comparison is inevitable. In fact, I feel it actually helps if you have read the series as your entire view of the current book & it’s understanding changes quite a bit. For instance, had I not known who Josh & Amber were, how they met, how they revived the Cranbridge store and how they helped their village in time of adversity, I would take them just as any couple. But having known the past, you know how good at heart they are.


The Village Of Happy Ever Afters is a beautiful book. The transformation of the sweet and understated Molly into a confident, self assured businesswoman is quite well envisioned. The book unwittingly reaffirms your belief in the second chances of life. Both Logan and Molly have had unsuccessful relationships in their past. Yet, life brings to them this second chance, which they accept and gift themselves a beautiful life together.

Also worth mentioning is the friendship & bond amongst the ladies as well as that of their male counterparts. Such a sight to see them coming up for each other in all situations.

As with all the Riverside Lance Series, The Village Of Happy Ever Afters chooses to focus on the good things of life, the positives. While one may counter that it lacks novelty, that is a very small aspect considering the hope and warmth it leaves you with. I hope there is more to this lovable series.

On a lighter note, just one thing for the author, please stop calling him “Keith the dog”! Just Keith is fine. πŸ™‚

Book Rating 8.0

Surely a not to be missed read, get your copy here .

Check out the other books in the series here: Riverside Lane Series

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, Riverside Lane

One Response to The Village Of Happy Ever Afters: Small Town Romance At It’s Best

  1. Amy

    Havent read the others. Nice sweet book it looks.

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