The Village Inn Of Secret Dreams | Book Review

The Village Inn Of Secret Dreams | Book Review

An unsuspecting character landing in Cranbridge for a brief time but finding love, family, friends, occupation and a purpose in life that makes him it’s own forever. This has been the theme of the first two books of the Riverside Lane Series of books. And the third in sequence, The Village Inn Of Secret Dreams, follows this same pattern to the hilt.

This time on, it is Belle Clarke – the barmaid of The Black Swan Inn – and Pete – Josh’s brother – who are at the center of the story and end up accepting their love for each other. And after the rescue of the Cranbridge Store and the Cranbridge Times in the first two editions, they are up against the uphill task of saving the Black Swan Inn this time. The book continues to emphasize the same aspects – utilization of local resources, developing a community feeling, helping out the ones in need at times of crisis, and not to forget – lots and lots of fairy lights! The Christmas fete, the New Year’s Party continue to act as a binding force for the people of this small quiet hamlet.

Having read two in the series, you obviously know where the book is heading. And, to be honest, it is the same basic framework that continues and makes events quite predictable. The book also tends to be a bit too goodie-goodie with everyone (especially the Kennedys) going out of their way to help the others & also over dramatic towards the end when it comes to confession of love. But if you are looking for a light hearted, uplifting and heart warming read, this book fits in well, even if it is an old wine in a new bottle. While it is wonderful to meet the old characters once again, there are a few new elements of it’s own in the book – Brad, nephew of Del who is now the chef of The Black Swan or Ned – the old recluse character. Mick & Angie start staying happy with each other finally!

Basically you know what to expect when reading Alison Sherlock. But it makes for a charming uplifting read all the same. I enjoyed it more than the second book – The Village Of Lost And Found, but the first book – The Village Shop For Lonely Hearts still remains the best of the lot with it’s endearing charm & novelty. Looking forward to the next in the series – The Village Of Happy Ever Afters – due to be out in March 2022.


Filed under Contemporary Reads, Riverside Lane

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