The Meet Cute Method (Portia Macintosh)

The Meet Cute Method | Book Review | Best Books 2022

Portia Macintosh means smiles and laughter. And substantiating the same, here is another rib-tickling, light-hearted and feel-good romcom that is guaranteed to make your day!

Frankie George, is a Love & Dating writer for Stylife magazine. Being done with all the dating apps and tech to find love, she decides to try the traditional ways and see if they work. The kind you see in movies when two lovers meet, which she calls the meet cutes. She decides to put herself into various such situations and see if they stir up a romance. And there starts a rollicking trip with some unimaginably hilarious situations and a series of disastrous meet cutes. You can’t but laugh out loud at these – one-after-another failed attempts of Frankie which are genuinely funny.

I do not wish to talk about the story or situations in any more detail here. For, it is these unexpected situations and the ‘unknown factor’ that lends the book it’s sharp sting. And I don’t wish to rob it.

Portia Macintosh truly owns this genre of writing. She has such a gift of making the most ordinary and mundane things so riotous and hysterical. Line after line in the first half of the book makes you crack. The small little situations that she is able to imagine is delightful. A simple thing like rushing to the lift is visualized as a marathon runner diving in at the occupants. Or the routine daily traverse to the office where Frankie is waiting for her bus and a man turns up to ask where are we going today? hah! Her witty one-liners just act to reaffirm that in her genre, Portia Macintosh is hard to match!

The Meet Cute Method is such a well conceptualized story. It actually has two phases to it. One, the part where Frankie is trying all these meet cutes and two, when the story shifts focus to Max and his family. While the first part leaves you spoilt as it is brimming with laughter, the second part is more centered about the romance and the family. The fun times however continue with the occasional still failed meet cute or with Frankie’s constant self-depreciation of her “bum” and her weird costumes thrusted upon her by Addison, her boss. There is a happy feel about the book all through.

A sweet, funny and heart-warming story like this makes you think actually – when reading (or for that matter life!) can be so happy and fun-filled, why burden it with sad and depressing reads at all? While some may acclaim the depth a book may offer, this is the sort of book that serves to brighten up a dull day, instill hope into a sad heart, lift up your mood and bring a whole lot of smiles and happiness with it’s intrinsic happy feel.

On a sidenote, this is the second book from Portia Macintosh this year. And the third is slated for release in September. So it actually is hard to keep up the pace with her writing! But it’s a welcome situation to be in for you can never have enough of Macintosh!


As is apparent, The Meet Cute Method is one of those books that makes you talk more of the author than the book itself. And I think, that is a big victory for the author in itself! There are no two ways about how exceptionally good this book is. Pick it up if you need a little laugh. Or just to feel happy and appreciative of life and the gifts of it, which sometimes we fail to recognize. A must read for 2022!

Book Rating 9.0

Get your copy here.

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

One Response to The Meet Cute Method (Portia Macintosh)

  1. PS

    Interesting idea for the plot. Not sure I enjoy the lovie-dovey thing though lol. Maybe will give a try.


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