The Housemaid: The Spine Chilling Read of 2022

The Housemaid | Freida McFadden | Book Review

An intriguing name, enticing you just enough to pick this one outright. The Housemaid comes from the house of Freida McFadden – an acclaimed name when it comes to thrillers. It is the first in The Housemaid Series and you can be assured of a roller coaster of a ride guaranteeing a flurry of adrenaline rush.

Speaking of the name, one cannot help draw a comparison with one of the most successful books of the year – The Maid by Nita Prose. What’s more, even the names of the protagonists sound similar – Molly The Maid and here it is Millie. But that is where the similarity ends!

The Housemaid begins with one of the central characters – Nina – sitting in her home, with the detectives investigating something, which is not immediately disclosed to the reader. From there on, the story goes into flashback – 3 months earlier – when all the events leading up to the present started. The story just draws you in effortlessly with characters & situations that keep you curious, anxious, somewhat scared and also aware of a lurking danger somewhere – which isn’t being revealed yet.

This is my first Freida McFadden book and I was instantly bowled over by the brilliant toying with the reader’s mind that the author does so beautifully. To start with, the character of Nina. Her character is presented as an eccentric – possibly psychotic – for major portion of the book. The reader is left guessing the reason for Nina’s such behaviour and split personality. She would give a particular instruction to Millie (the maid), and at a later time straight disown saying anything of the sort. Its an absorbing narrative that successfully binds you to itself. Never a dull moment.

As we move along, there are absolutely no hints dropped suggesting any suspicion towards whodunnit. The most important facets of a good thriller – unguessable situations, twists, turns & surprises – which the reader doesn’t see coming. And The Housemaid wins on all these accounts. The surprises (maybe shocks would be a better word!) you get towards the later half of the book are simply nerve racking.

The book has numerous instances that have you on the edge of your seat. One worth mentioning here is when Millie wakes up in the morning after having locked Andrew in the attic. She checks the feed on the mobile and is shocked to find Andrew isn’t there. That is a spine chilling sequence written brilliantly. I actually stopped for a few moments scared to read what happens next! If an author can elicit such feelings from the reader, I think it is a big victory in itself. So, full marks to Freida McFadden for such breath taking narration.

Honestly, there is a lot I wish to say about this plot – how intelligent & amazing it is at each turn it takes – throwing surprises and unforeseen situations right through the end. But that would mean giving the plot away, and that would be most unfair for this read. So, let me put it in a more generic way below.

Firstly, so does this mean it is all good about this book? Well, no! There comes a point when you are deep into the book when it got too dark for my liking. I get it, some of it probably was necessary to depict the gravity of the situation. But it was exceedingly sadistic & perverted. I actually contemplated giving up on the book as it got too cruel and horrific after a point. But I am glad I did not. Because, the last 15-20% of the book more than makes up for it. As the table turns, it is most redeeming and satisfying to see the malefactor being dished the same treatment as was inflicted on the victims. It almost made me forget those abhorrent parts of the book.

The book also ends on a good note. It was a relief to see all that could have gone wrong, didn’t go wrong! Each such possibility gets diffused. Also, it has signed off well poised for it’s sequel, which is introduced at the end and promises to be an equally enthralling plot.


As far as thrillers go, this one is right up there for this year amongst the best. If you don’t mind a bit of dark theme with some fiendish sequences, I think you are good to go. This would be a perfect pick for some spine chilling situations and thrilling narration. And adding to it the suspense and surprises, this makes for a wonderful read. You can get it here.

I guess I am underrating this book. It probably deserves more. But I somehow cannot digest violence and cruelty. I know, it is just a book. So yes! You may take it – you would probably like it a little more 🙂

Book Rating 8.0

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