Someone Else’s Shoes

Someone Else's Shoes | Jojo Moyes | Book Review

Someone Else’s Shoes is a lovable story with a unique & original plot that makes for a light, enjoyable read. It has two stories running in parallel – revolving around the lives of the two protagonists, Sam & Nisha – which converge together resulting in some utmost funny & boisterous situations.

Sam Kemp is a middle aged woman, leading a mundane middle-class life – never quite free from worrying about bills, job, boss and so on. Her husband Phil has lost his job and going through a rough patch of depression. As a result, she is compelled to run the household single handedly.

Nisha Cantor on the other hand is quite the opposite. Married to a rich man Carl, she was leading a luxurious life until one day her husband dumps her, stripping her of all comforts, luxuries & even her home. Her irritable, snobbish “American” character is extremely funny and enjoyable.

It all starts as their kitbags get exchanged accidentally at the gym, and with them their shoes. Sam is left with no choice but to wear Nisha’s vertiginous red Louboutins to her meetings. While Nisha is stuck with Sam’s tired, ugly, block-heeled black shoes – too cheap for her taste. And there-on begins a thoroughly entertaining ride as the repercussions of this mix-up start to torment them.

Someone Else’s Shoes is extremely rich in humor accentuated by funny situations and characters that have you in splits all through. One such character – or should I say character trait is Nisha’s OCD. Moyes does a swell job infusing such life into this character. I am still laughing thinking of how Nisha was shocked to see only Buffet breakfast being offered and no à la carte option, thinking in her mind of people leaning over steel containers, shedding hair or skin cells as they loom hah! Her upstart, high-society character is more cute than snobbish so to speak.

Amidst all the hilarious situations and happenings, one thing that shouldn’t go unacknowledged is the importance of a Shoe in defining one’s personality. My dad had once said to me – if you want to know about a person, look at his shoes. It is a feeling of déjà vu for me as the author reiterates the same teaching almost verbatim. Shoes speak volumes of who you are. In our story here, it makes clients reassess their version of Sam. When she was embarrassed about the flashy shoes, she lost the deal. When she began flaunting them and feeling confident about them, she started winning over clients. Just wearing those shoes made her feel strong and good about herself when she was in low spirits.

Friendship. Probably one of the most integral ingredients of this story. How friendship blossoms when you least expect. It shows how genuine kindness & selflessness wins over the most difficult of people and situations. Be it the friendship of Nisha & Jasmine – which initially began as a compulsion to be together. Or the childhood friendship of Sam & Andrea. When all 4 get together – it wins my heart to see such a strong bond form between them – one that would last their lifetimes.

If I were to pick a high point of this book, there is no question it has to be Andrea & Sam celebrating after the doctor gives Andrea an all clear from her illness. Jojo Moyes so beautifully emotes the true happiness of the two friends compared to which everything else looks small & unimportant. All worries, all mess-ups – they all seem too irrelevant. And Sam describes it as the best coffee of her life. I actually felt like praying that all stays well for Andrea as the story progresses.

This book has it’s share of adventure & a heist so to say. The shoes keep travelling from place to place with Nisha & her friends trailing them and finally executing a well-planned heist. It is super fun! What’s more, the unexpected turns towards the end add a freshness to the overall impact of the book.

JoJo Moyes has dotted Someone Else’s Shoes with some beautiful quotes & verses that touch something within you. One of the best is when Moyes talks of the world being full of “lasts”. It is a very poignant & relatable thought, well written.

The world is full of lasts, she thinks. The last time you pick up your child. The last time you hug a parent. The last time you cook dinner in a house full of the people you love. And with all these moments you don’t know that this will be the last.

Someone Else’s Shoes, Chapter 35

In conclusion, Someone Else’s Shoes is a definite Yes! Humor, adventure, fun & friendship – such a well-balanced and consistent amalgamation of all these ingredients. A feel good & life affirming read. The small pleasures & victories of life – such as Sam getting her own parking space – this is what life is made of. Your self respect, your friends, satisfaction everyday of a job well done – these are invaluable things that really matter in life.

And leaving you with another beautiful thought from the author, “That’s all we can ever be – Okay for now!”

Let’s order this one now! Someone Else’s Shoes

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