One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot | Book Review

One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot | Book Review

An emotional, endearing & inspiring tale of an unexpected yet extraordinary friendship. This debut novel by Marianne Cronin boasts of a most unique & magnetic plot that draws you towards it instantly. I am in awe of the author to have had such a beautiful imagination and putting it into words laced with some quirky wit, humor and emotion all throughout this lovable book.

One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot is the story of 17 year old Lenni who is terminally ill and living in what they called the “May Ward” of the hospital and 83 year old Margot from the next ward who is fighting a serious heart condition. As fate would have it, they bump into each other unexpectedly and strike an instant bond of ever lasting friendship.

As Lenni And Margot attend the Art classes in the newly set Rose Room, they discover they have together lived a 100 years. And, to celebrate their century, they start painting stories for memorable events defining their lives – a 100 paintings for a 100 years – some sad, some happy. As they work towards their target of a 100 paintings, the author takes the reader through an amazing journey along with Lenni & Margot, sharing their grief & their happiness.

Beautifully Written

Cronin’s writing is so poetic all along. You read the sentences & marvel at their beauty. The similes they draw. The impact they leave. The depth in their meaning other than just the literal face value. This is just the sort of book they could prescribe for academic syllabi.

Witty And Humorous

If it were a movie (which it soon will be!), probably one would call it the dialogue. But pertaining to the book, the conversations are so crisp, emphatic and enjoyable. They exude wit and humor in abundance. Each conversation that Lenni has with Father Arthur is studded with such brilliance that makes you love Lenni for all her arrogance (if one can call it that?), her questions and her retorts. You know she has a heart of gold, despite whatever she may say & for whatever reason. No wonder, Father Arthur gets so used to her and what results is another endearing friendship that lasts a lifetime.

Touching Sequences

But it isn’t just wit and humor. There are some very touching sequences in the book which Cronin has dealt with so delicately and with finesse. They bring about a flurry of emotions and leaves you overwhelmed. The sensitive treatment given to issues such as Alzheimer’s or old age is worth acknowledging.


If I were to express how I felt consuming every little bit of this book, I would say that this book has you want to stand and applaud each sequence time and again, page after page, chapter after chapter. This book asks for it’s pages to be read again after every little chunk that you complete – for the shear joy of relishing it’s varied flavors.

One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot is a sort of a book that shouldn’t be devoured in a hurry but relished at an easy, enjoyable pace. You must enjoy each small bite of it. If The Midnight Library (Matt Haig) was telling you about the parallel universe and all possible lives, Lenni And Margot tell you how to live the life you are in.

When Marianne Cronin says it took “just” 6 years to complete this book, it is vividly apparent in the quality of writing and story that this book exhibits in full light. It is best to say, do not decide your All Time Favorite until you have read One Hundred Years Of Lenni And Margot… Get your copy here.

Book Rating 8.0


Filed under Contemporary Reads

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