One Good Deed

One Good Deed | Aloysius Archer Series | David Baldacci

The first book of a new series, a new character – Aloysius Archer. Having already read the two sequels, I can assure you, this is a character that shall stay with you for long. I truly have enjoyed the Aloysius Archer Series to the core.

Back from war & a subsequent imprisonment for a crime he hadn’t committed, Aloysius Archer finds himself in Poca City serving a 3 year parole. On a casual visit to the bar, he crosses paths with Hank Pittleman – a wealthy individual who virtually owns majority of Poca. The casual small talk lands Archer an assignment to retrieve for Pittleman the loan collateral from his rival Lucas Tuttle. And thereon, the story effortlessly draws you into itself. This one-off, odd job entangles Archer into a deep mystery where he finds himself in the centre of a murder investigation, least of all it’s prime suspect.

To start with, the book had a strong Westerner movie feel going about it. The setting amidst the bars, the rough & rugged hero with his hat, smoke & girls – set in the 1940s – a very cow boyish picture that comes to mind.

Of the several things I love about this book, one of the most enticing is the character build-up of Aloysius Archer. This being the first book of the series, it does a swell job in introducing this new character to the reader. A brutally honest man. Despite a war and prison, he has kept his heart. A guy who likes to ask lots of questions – albeit may seem nosy to some. He loves his Lucky Strikes. He takes three deep breaths before every battle and he tends to lose guard when it comes to women. A good heart above all.

And then comes Lieutenant Irving Shaw – another memorable character of this book. His perennial quest for corroboration keeps returning at various points in the book. It is so enjoyable to see how Archer slowly becomes Shaw’s aide in solving the mystery from initially being the prime suspect. And all credit to his genuine & honest character.

The selling point of this book is surely its gripping plot which never for once falters. Right from the word go, the story holds your attention and maintains a steady pace. As the characters evolve and revelations start to unfold, this makes for a full on, action packed read. The surprises & suspense are hard to guess and add a zing to the story. Despite it’s longish self, the book never once feels to drag.

The Court Room Sequence: If just like me, you trust John Grisham to write the finest legal thrillers, have a look at this. The last bit of the book where Archer represents himself in court – pitted against the likes of district attorney Herbert Brooks – it is one of the most engaging, crisp and quick-witted court room dramas out there. The finesse with which each thread gets woven to reveal truth is thrilling. A page turner in the true sense of the word.

On a lighter note, I love the way David Baldacci makes his girls giggle . Be it a giggling Jackie by the side of Pittleman or the flirtatious maid Amy, they manage to draw a laughter out of an otherwise intense situation.

The ending of this book was the icing on the cake. All the missing pieces fall into place. All questions get answered. The kindness shown by Archer is heart warming – be it towards Shaw’s family or Jakie and Ernestine. A happy, satisfying end with lots of brightness and hope. A joyous read all together.

So was there anything at all that I didn’t like in One Good Deed? Well, I think the whole business about that slaughterhouse and the cruelty narrated in vivid detail was a bit too harsh for my liking. I skimmed through those bits. The book also would have lots of characters and substories to keep track of. I didn’t have any difficulty doing so though.

I was just reading my review on A Gambling Man (Book 2). And I feel, my view of it might have been a tad bit different had I read it in sequence. But still, One Good Deed is surely the best book in the series thus far. While A Gambling Man for me saw a dip, Dream Town (Book 3) again was a stunning read. I would strongly recommend reading the series in sequence as it helps knowing the background & past events of Aloysius Archer’s life.

So go ahead & treat yourself to this magnificent read, available on Amazon -> One Good Deed (Aloysius Archer #1)

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