I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue

I Hope This Finds You Well | Book Review | Natalie Sue

Plot Summary
The story of I Hope This Finds You Well revolves around a corporate employee Jolene, socially awkward and unable to gel with her office colleagues. The central characters being Rhonda, Caitlin, Armin as her coworkers and Gregory their creepy boss. Frustrated with their habits & whims, she vents it out to them through texts in emails that she hides out with white fonts. On one such occasion, she forgets to white out her rant to Caitlin and gets into deep trouble casting a shadow over her job.

As a result, she is put to a training course that she must pass to retain her job, wherein she comes close to the HR guy Clifford. In her bid to save her job, it becomes known to her – the troubles & pains that each of them is going through. And how their individual adversities ultimately get them closer.

I Hope This Finds You Well is a beaming, life-affirming, feel good book. It starts with wacky, humorous chapters that leave you laughing and form an underlying mood of the book – humor. We then have elements of romance thrown in and the middle chapters bring you an emotional & humane side of things. It shows two paramount realities of life – one, you never know what somebody is going through. And two, the goodness in people around you, which many a time we don’t bother to see, but it comes through in time of need.

This is a lovable story that Natalie Sue brings to us, unique in it’s plot and clean in it’s execution. Nothing that I can point against it. Must read for a light, happy feel. Get it here.

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