How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water

How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water

Look what I found!! This is exactly how I feel having picked this book from Angie Cruz. Honestly, I had seen this book a couple of times in the past few weeks. The title seemed indicative of some self-help or better living book. But when it popped up again last week, I decided to give it a go. And boy, am I not pleased!

How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water is a unique story narrated by the protagonist Cara Romero – a Dominican immigrant, in her mid 50s & having lost her job to Recession. Enrolled in a 12 session job counselling program to help procure a suitable job, she instead ends up narrating her life & personal experiences in every session she attends.

So, let’s begin with these sessions. It is extremely funny & enjoyable how Cara keeps talking of everything but the subject of the matter. As Cara herself says, ‘When someone asks me about mangoes, I talk about yuca’ hah! It is hilarious how these sessions end up being more monologue than dialogue. It is Cara doing all the talking like a chatterbox and the counsellor is a meek spectator who is quietly listening to all her talk. The counsellor says not a single word in all of these 12 sessions. Listening to Cara’s life’s story is in itself addictive. It is funny how she goes on to explain that she possesses the requisite quality for a job position but then skips the interview citing some trivial reason in the next session.

Write that down: Cara Romero is still here, entera.

Cara Romero’s character is beautifully crafted. My first impression of her was – somewhat eccentric, somewhere funny, but a pure heart. Her naivety & effortless kindness instantly strike a chord with the reader. She is a character you would love as you read along. Her selfless intention to help anyone who needs her – be it Lulu, Angela, Caridad or anyone for that matter – it shows her good heart.

This book is brimming with quick witted, side splitting humour. It cracks you up how unintentionally funny Cara is! What all she writes as replies in her job application or the citizenship test will leave you in splits for sure. The scene where she is trying to control the little monster Julio and Angela turns up just at the wrong moment is so very funny.

But as we speak of the fun element of How Not To Drown In A Glass Of Water, every now and then would come a thing that talks deep in fewest of words. Like when Cara says, ‘We never were children’ or ‘Americans don’t have any idea of what life is for us’.

This “short” book has a “lot” to offer truly. This book has such a lot of beauty to it. The significance of the title for one. It is such a beautiful thought to cry out until you have no more, so you can undrown from within.

Towards the end, it is heart warming to see everything turn good for Cara. The book shines with brightness and positivity. It’s like her genuine goodness pays off for Cara. She gets a big sum of money from Caridad, she gets a good recommendation from her counsellor, Fernando softens towards her and last but not the least, even Alicia the Psychic gets redeemed in a way with all her 3 predictions turning correct in whatever manner. I was so happy for Cara.

Even after all the good happening to her, Cara hasn’t a speck of arrogance. Even though Lulu is jealous of her, she takes Lulu in her apartment so she can find comfort.

I had read The Giving Tree a few weeks back. It was a feeling of DeJa’Vu as the same story gets revisited by the protagonist here. But they changed the end, for the better. Rather than the tree sacrificing it’s last bits, it hands over it’s seeds to the boy so he can plant more trees to fulfil his other needs. It teaches you to not want too much in life and to appreciate what we have.


I loved this book. Being a short read, it never drags and always keeps you with it. The peculiarity of the situation and the character is the winning factor of the book. If at all anything, there is a casual use of Spanish words & sentences every now and then. Which is fine if you are reading on kindle as you can get the translation. But really, it is nothing much that would hinder your understanding – they can be safely skipped. This is a life affirming book, instilling in you the belief – all will be well. Write it Down !! 🙂

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