The Secret (Jack Reacher)

The Secret | Jack Reacher Book | Lee Child

Plot Summary
A group of 7 scientists having worked on a secret project in 1969, Mason Chemical in India are getting killed one by one. Behind the killings are 2 sisters Roberta & Veronica Sanson, avenging the false implication & killing of their father who was also working at Mason Chemical. There however is an 8th name that only one person is aware of. And the sisters are desperately seeking that name, as well as setting records straight. A team is set up by secretary of Defense, Charles Stamoran. Jack Reacher amongst 3 others are on this team to stop these killings and identify the killers.

* Engulfing plot (despite not being totally original)
* Fast paced & action packed
* Nerve chilling sequences as the 2 sisters kill their prey
* Quick read

* Though interesting, nothing extraordinarily unique. Feels like just another suspense thriller.
* Plot seems to be a loosely based on the Agatha Christie classic And then there were none. More recently seen in Nine Lives by Peter Swanson. Basic formula remains the same, served in a deceivingly new concept.
* Suspense these days has become easy to guess unless you really pull off something wild! Not here.

Good one time read for fans of thrillers. Won’t miss much if you decide to give it a pass.

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