The Mystery Guest (Nita Prose) πŸ₯‡πŸ”°

Book Of The Year 2023;
Best Character 2023 (Molly Gray);
All Time Best Reads

As the reading year draws to an end, here comes Molly once again, and easily climbs straight up to the best reads of 2023. Nita Prose successfully accomplishes the hardest thing to achieve – following up a runaway hit with an equally enthralling sequel. And not only does this second book maintain the charm & appeal of the first, but it also far outdoes it.

The book begins with an acclaimed mystery author J.D. Grimthorpe dropping dead just ahead of a much-publicized announcement he was due to make in the Regency Grand’s tearoom. And as the book itself keeps reminding you, the maid is always to blame. There is an unstated assumption that maids are delinquents, murderers & thieves. And with the blame upon themselves, the hotel staff – in particular our dearest Molly – go about investigating at their own level, uncovering secrets and redeeming themselves.

This feels like an honest book – devoid of any pretense or an effort to please or cater to the reader. It sounds like a simple story your gran would narrate at bedtime.

All the lovable characters are back to endear you, starting with the affectionate doorman Mr. Preston, Molly’s nemesis Cheryl, the manager Mr. Snow, Molly’s Gran (metaphorically), detective Stark & a new addition Lily – maid-in-training.

One of the things that I love about Molly The Maid Series is Nita Prose’s narration. So unique and distinctive – I never have read something like this before. The book oscillates between Before and now. And in the “before” chapters, the innocence of Molly as a child, the bond that Molly & Gran share, how even in their limited means and not well-to-do state, they find their ways of joy – their ultimate healer tea or watching Columbo together or deep-cleaning. The way Gran always stands by Molly – be it in her school or otherwise, and in return, how Molly is protective about her Gran – all these moments in the book are overwhelming and leave you in tears.

The knick-knacks that Nita Prose adds to the character of Molly – what makes her Molly really – it is adorable. The pride she takes in her uniform and in being the Head Maid. Her chewing every bite 20 times, her fascination for spelling bee and how she starts spelling difficult words aloud, her love for tea and her social awkwardness – I simply LOVE Molly! I don’t think eccentric is how you would describe Molly. She is probably just different! You just don’t know what to expect from her. Like her unnecessarily formal and complete sentences, her taking things in literal sense when intended otherwise. And the way she would unintentionally frustrate detective Stark hah! I still remember the Styrofoam cup incident from the first book lolz! Such moments of humor continue to add charm to this lovable series.

Now onto yet another distinguishing aspect of this series. The words of wisdom! The phrases and words of wisdom that come in the form of Molly’s learnings from her Gran, they certainly should stay with all of us as guiding principles. Be it the prayer of serenity or something like “Secrets have a of punishing those who keep them”, Nita Prose always has me filling my notebook with such beautiful & pertinent one liners. And this is what I take from this book.

Ok. So amidst all of this, there actually is a very well guarded suspense running along this book. I speak for myself, and I for one couldn’t have guessed it. And add to it the little surprise at the end. All in all, perfect.


The Mystery Guest instantly establishes a connection with the reader with it’s simplicity, purity and genuineness. This feels like an honest book – devoid of any pretense or an effort to please or cater to the reader. It sounds like a simple story your gran would narrate at bedtime. An adventurous, feel-good and endearing story.

Nita Prose books are pure joy. If ever you stumble across this write-up ma’am, I wish to thank you for the moments of happiness you bring to my life with your writing. The Mystery Guest meets every expectation that one may have had after reading The Maid, and in fact betters them. This book, as with it’s predecessor, makes it to my all time favorite reads.

See you next year Molly!!

Don’t miss out, get your copy now -> The Mystery Guest

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