Simply Lies (David Baldacci) 🥈

Simply Lies | Book Review | David Baldacci

Winner: 2nd Ranked Book 2023

David Baldacci back with another feast of a read. A new detective series with the introduction of Mickey Gibson, I was so keenly awaiting this book. And dare I say, it surpasses all my expectations and Mickey Gibson is right up there with my other favorite Baldacci character Aloysius Archer.

Mickey Gibson is a single mom of two kids – Darby & Tommy. An ex-cop, she now works for a private investigative agency ProEye. Being a computer nerd, she specializes in hunting down assets of rich delinquents – away from actual crime scene action toying with danger. Her dad himself is an ex-cop.

The story sets rolling with a call she receives from an Arlene Robinson, leading her to an old mansion Stormfield on a false pretext. As she discovers a dead body, she ends up becoming a murder suspect herself. And it soon becomes clear this was just an entrapment set for her – the motives of which are gradually revealed in due course of time.

There is a long list of things I totally loved about this book. To start with, this is a fast-paced, action-packed book with no dull moment whatsoever. One thing-to the other-to the other, there is always something interesting happening. There is a con artist duping the rich & corrupt leaving them stripped and saving face. Coupled with this is a theme I enjoy the most – revenge! I love to see the wrong-doers being brought to task. Add to it a well guarded suspense that keeps you second guessing right till the end. A perfect recipe for a sure shot hit!

Another thing that stands out in Simply Lies is the ingenious use of cryptic phrases and puzzles. The phrase Do As I Say, Not As I Do keeps the reader curious right till the end, figuring out what it’s relevance is! Likewise, the coded messages that Pottinger leaves and how Gibson deciphers them is stunning!

Side-by-side, there is a treasure hunt going along with so many people after it and the speculation of who gets to the finish line first hah!

The character traits that Baldacci has lent to his characters is admirable. One such thing worth a mention is Clarisse’s notebooks. They allow her to make sense of her world and prevent her from loosing her mind. I think this was a beautiful author’s touch to the story.

I think the high point of the book was the teaming up of Clarisse and Gibson (and Sam). While there is a lot more to say for this book, I shall do so under spoilers below.

Simply Lies Explained - Spoiler Alert! (Click to read!)
1. Who killed Daniel Pottinger aka Harry Langhorne?
Ans). Earl Beckett

2.) What is the real identity of Arlene Robinson aka Clarisse aka Julia Frazier?
Ans.) Clarisse is actually Francine Langhorne – Harry Langhorne’s daughter

3.) Why did Beckett kill Langhorne?
Ans.) Earl Beckett had helped Langhorne leave WITSEC and promised a share of the “treasure” ha had amassed. Langhorne however didn’t keep his promise.

4.) Who was Rochelle Enders and what was her role in the whole thing?
Ans.) Enders were the neighbours of Langhornes at WITSEC. Francine’s brother Dough Langhorne married Rochelle after leaving WITSEC. She was one of the people after the treasure and eventually gets killed. Though Francine suspects Rochelle to consider her an enemy, she always had meant well for Francine.

5.) Was there any relation between Mickey Gibson and Clarisse/Francine?
Ans.) They were together at Temple. While Mickey was extremely popular, Francine was doing odd jobs at the canteen or helping with props on stage.

6.) Why did Clarisse choose Gibson for finding the treasure?
Ans.) Clarisse(Francine) held a grudge against Gibson since their time at Temple. She believed Gibson had everything in life but squandered it. And she on the other hand never had anything and was always wronged. She wanted to teach Gibson a lesson and show her who the actual winner was.

7.) Do Clarisse(Francine) and Mickey become friends at the end?
Ans.) Yes. Francine visits Mickey a month later where Gibson requests her to be an aunt to her children and to stay on. The author also drops a hint of them working together in future (looking ahead to a series).

8.) Who gets the treasure in the end?
Ans.) Gibson & Francine discover the treasure in Langhorne’s old home in the form of original paintings that had been stolen from Art museums. They turn them in and get a finder’s fee.


Simply Lies is the first book this year that has compelled me to award it a whole-hearted 5 stars! If one were to introduce David Baldacci to a new reader, Simply Lies is the best book to showcase the genius of the man. This is a very intelligently written book. The immaculate handling of the multiple identities of Clarisse – or that of Daniel Pottinger / Harry Langhorne – it is a delight to read. The book also was devoid of any irrelevant and unnecessary details that hurdle the reader. It keeps packing punches at the right time and makes for a most entertaining read. Trademark Baldacci narration and a perfect ending leaves you totally satisfied and asking for more. This one is a sure no-miss as Baldacci has pulled off a stunner here! Get it here: Simply Lies

And make sure you haven’t missed out on David Baldacci’s Aloysius Archer Series

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