2023 Top 3

The Mystery Guest (Nita Prose) πŸ₯‡πŸ”°

Book Of The Year 2023;
Best Character 2023 (Molly Gray);
All Time Best Reads

As the reading year draws to an end, here comes Molly once again, and easily climbs straight up to the best reads of 2023. Nita Prose successfully accomplishes the hardest thing to achieve – following up a runaway hit with an equally enthralling sequel. And not only does this second book maintain the charm & appeal of the first, but it also far outdoes it.

The book begins with an acclaimed mystery author J.D. Grimthorpe dropping dead just ahead of a much-publicized announcement he was due to make in the Regency Grand’s tearoom. And as the book itself keeps reminding you, …

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Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, Molly The Maid, πŸ”°All Time Best Books

Simply Lies (David Baldacci) πŸ₯ˆ

Simply Lies | Book Review | David Baldacci

Winner: 2nd Ranked Book 2023

David Baldacci back with another feast of a read. A new detective series with the introduction of Mickey Gibson, I was so keenly awaiting this book. And dare I say, it surpasses all my expectations and Mickey Gibson is right up there with my other favorite Baldacci character Aloysius Archer.

Mickey Gibson is a single mom of two kids – Darby & Tommy. An ex-cop, she now works for a private investigative agency ProEye. Being a computer nerd, she specializes in hunting down assets of rich delinquents – away from actual crime scene action toying with danger. Her dad himself is an ex-cop.

The story sets rolling with a call she receives from an Arlene

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Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, Mickey Gibson

None Of This Is True (Lisa Jewell) πŸ₯‰

None Of This Is True | Book Review | Lisa Jewel

3rd Ranked Book 2023;
Best Negative Character 2023 (Josie Fair)

A scintillating, addictive, dark story. Stunning narration & tantalizing suspense which continues to deceive till the very end. This basically sums up this page turner by Lisa Jewell.

None Of This Is True is about 2 women – Alix & Josie – who share the same birthday. They happen to be celebrating their 45th birthday in the same pub at the same time, where Josie befriends Alix introducing herself to Alix as “I am your birthday twin“. Alix is a popular podcaster and as Josie gets to know about it, she talks Alix into doing a podcast about her. And there on the …

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Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads