Category: Readers Corner & Site News

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Year In Review 2022

What an astounding year 2022 has been for book lovers like me. Such a flurry of remarkable books, all in one year! One after another, 2022 kept producing such beautiful reads that would undoubtedly stay with me for long. So here I put down a recap of the reading year – including books read until November 15th, 2022.

Let me start with some numbers here. The total titles read this year was 40. The most read genre was Thrillers, closely followed by Literary Fiction. The most read authors were David Baldacci & Taylor Jenkins Reid of whom I read 2 books each. So have been reading all different authors this year! The book that got most views on BookForums was A Tidy Ending (Joanna Cannon) accounting for most hits by far!

Notable Reads, Unexpected Winners: Lest We Forget

The year began for me with a very unique story …

Best Books of 2022 : Mid Year Roundup

This week takes us to the half way mark for 2022. And already it has been a year full of extraordinary reading. Here are the books that have topped the list as the Top 10 Books of 2022 thus far. (Click on the names to read more about each book).

  1. Dinner With The Schnabels
  2. A Tidy Ending
  3. Nine Lives
  4. The Maid
  5. Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead
  6. We Are The Brennans
  7. Flying Solo
  8. The Night Shift
  9. Wahala
  10. The Magicians Of Mazda

Some other notable books of the year:

The list keeps growing every day! I am sure by the end of the year, we would have a lot more, great additions to our list of the best books of 2022! …

Carrie Soto Is Back: Preview

Read the review here -Carrie Soto Is Back: Make Way For The Champion!

I don’t think I have waited more eagerly for any other book! Carrie Soto Is Back is the most anticipated book of 2022 for me. And, I don’t know why but I get a strong feeling that this is a blockbuster of a book that Taylor Jenkins Reid has at hand after the roaring success of Malibu Rising last year. So much so, that I couldn’t hold myself from putting together my expectations of this tempting read.

To give a brief backdrop, Carrie Soto Is Back picks up this character introduced to us in Malibu Rising, and gives her the main stage here. Carrie Sotto, a legendary tennis player, was the love interest of Brandon Randall for whom he ditches his wife Nina. Brandon himself a Grand Slam champion, moves in with Carrie. But soon starts …

DNF Books 2022

Twyford Code | Reminders Of Him | DNF 2022

Let me begin by saying, I am not one who likes to leave books incomplete. I find it unethical in ways, and insulting towards the author’s effort. I make it a point to finish books as much as possible. But, there are times when you are just unable to proceed. And hence, the Did Not Finish (DNF) Books for 2022 takes a start.

A beautiful incident comes to mind. For her book The Rose Code on goodreads, someone commented how the book fell short of the person’s expectations and asked if it is worth continuing & completing the book at all? To this, Kate Quinn replied – ‘Absolutely not! Life is too short to read a book you don’t like . Move on’. (read it here) Epic, isn’t it?

But that said, I would still reinstate that I truly hope to complete these books sometime.

DNF Books #1: The

Engaging Book Sequences 2022

Engaging Book Sequences 2022

I strongly believe, small sequences in a story go a long way in defining the overall impact of a book. Such engaging book sequences stay with you for long. And, you remember the book with them. They are, in fact, great advertisements for the books. They are capable of tempting the readers who haven’t yet read them.

Even now I remember that endearing scene from Sooley. Little Angelina is jumping up and down, running about the house elated with her brother’s return. And wanting to get hold of someone to share the news with. Such an sweet little touch that, for me, is one of the highlights of the book.

Therefore, I thought of starting a feature to commemorate such “authors’ touches” on a regular basis. With the Winter reads in full swing, I bring here my favorite ones in the books I have read this winter.


BookForums Awards – Winners 2021

Time to announce the winners of the BookForums awards for 2021.

Book Of The Year

The Judge’s List (John Grisham)


Author Of The Year

Andy Weir (Project Hail Mary)


Character Of The Year

Samuel Sooleymon “Sooley” (Sooley: John Grisham)


Negative Character Of The Year

Ross Bannick: The Judge’s List (John Grisham)


Sequence Of The Year

Ross Bannick Hand Delivers Poems To Jeri Crosby (The Judge’s List: Chapter 35)

As it turns out, the year belonged to John Grisham with four wins out of five, three of them for The Judge’s List – which also shows how impactful the book has been and how far ahead it stands from it’s competitors. There only can be one winner. But a few books definitely deserve aspecial mention here lest they go unnoticed. The Lost Apothecary, The Maidens, The Last Bookshop

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