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Amazon Audible: Read Me A Story

Amazon Audible Free Trial

At times, do you feel too tired to read and just wish someone could read out a nice story while you sit back and relax? Do you miss those childhood days when your granny would narrate a bedtime story in a most vivid & cinematic way? Well Amazon Audible is just what you might be looking for! No, it’s not a granny narrating 😂, but a totally enjoyable experience all the same!

What exactly is Amazon Audible?
Audible is a subscription audiobook service. Just as you purchase Kindle books, you can buy Audio Books from Amazon. And, in place of having to read it, you can simply plug in your ear pods and start listening to the book. What’s more, it’s not just books. You have access to Audible Originals & an array of podcasts as well.

Amazon Audible Catalog
With a catalog of over 200,000 audiobooks spread over a …

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An Author You Wish Wrote More Often: Andy Weir

Writing these days seems to have become an annual (or bi-annual) affair. So many famous authors have set times of the years when you can expect their books to hit the bookshelves. Infact, I most keenly wait for my favorite authors’ books every year, so much so, I associate seasons with authors. While late winters may belong to Elle Cosimano with her Donovan books, spring time you can look forward to Emily Henry’s romantic reads. Come summers and you have David Baldacci & Simone St. James ready with their thrillers while autumns are truly reminiscent of Sir Jeffrey Archer or closer to home, Chetan Bhagat. And if you are lucky, a bonus Baldacci read!

But yet, there are some authors you really wish wrote more. You are left craving for more with their last releases a while ago! And one such author for me is Andy Weir. Truly a …

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Color e-Readers: Main Benefits & For Whom?

Kobo recently launched two colored e-readers – Libra & Clara. Although I feel, they are the way to go, here are my two cents on their usefulness (or the lack of it) – and should you buy them? Note, this is not a technical review of the readers. For that, you will find a great review by Tech Radar here.

Benefits of color e-readers
I think color e-readers have two big pluses – first, when your book has lots of images which becomes a totally different experience viewing in color. And two, if you are someone who is in the habit of highlighting text a lot.

The first scenario is quite fitting for comics or for academic texts of students that include pictures. The second is more a question of habit – I for example highlight notable quotes & important points in a book a lot. Without …

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Site on a break

Due to personal reasons, BookForums is currently on a break. As apparent, I haven’t posted any reviews since almost 4 months, since I haven’t been able to read anything in this time. BookForums is something very dear to me, as is reading & writing. I hope to restart sometime and keep the site alive. Until then, thankyou to anyone and everyone who has read blogs on the site in the past.

These are some of the books I was eagerly awaiting to read since months – A Calamity of Souls (David Baldacci), Funny Story (Emily Henry), After Annie (Anna Quindlen) & Murder Road (Simone St. James). If and when I get time, these are the ones I shall lay my hands to. Earlier I was reading around 4 books a month, I now will be happy to only complete these ones the whole year.

I also wish to add a …

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BookForums Awards 2023

2023 BookForums Winners

Top 3 Books Of The Year

Book Of The Year
The Mystery Guest 🥇🔰

2nd Rank
Simply Lies 🥈

3rd Rank
None Of This Is True 🥉

Best Characters Of The Year

Best Character
Molly Gray (The Mystery Guest )

Best Negative Character
Josie Fair (None Of This Is True)

5 Stars Books Of The Year

The Mystery Guest 🥇🔰
Simply Lies 🥈
None Of This Is True 🥉
Traitors Gate: William Warwick#6

All Time Best Books Entry

The Mystery Guest 🥇🔰

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BookForums Awards 2022

2022 BookForums Winners

Top 3 Books Of The Year

Book Of The Year
Carrie Soto Is Back (Taylor Jenkins Reid)

2nd Rank
A Tidy Ending (Joanna Cannon) 🥈

3rd Rank
Dinner With The Schnabels (Toni Jordan)

Best Characters Of The Year

Best Character
Carrie Soto (Carrie Soto Is Back)

Best Negative Character
Linda Hammett (A Tidy Ending)

Best Sequence Of The Year

The Meet Cute Method (Chapter 7)
Frankie George pretends to have lost her dog to initiate a Meet Cute

All Time Best Book Entries

The Maid (Nita Prose)🔰
Carrie Soto Is Back (Taylor Jenkins Reid)🥇🔰
Treasure Island (R.L. Stevenson)🔰

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