William Warwick

William Warwick Series by Jeffrey Archer
Genre: Thrillers
Books In Series: 5

Traitors Gate: William Warwick#6

Traitors Gate

Come autumn and rises the anticipation for the new Jeffrey Archer release. Such has been the pattern for the past few years that the William Warwick series has become an inseparable part of the season for me! And so, here I was – all set and waiting with my copy of Traitor’s Gate pre booked well in advance.

My first impressions of the book were pretty clear, this 6th book in the Warwick series promised to be the best. To begin with, we have all the regular characters returning back – William, Beth, Miles Faulkner, Booth Watson, Sir Julian Warwick and last but not the least Christina! It is a pleasure to meet these bunch of people yet again for a fun …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick

Next In Line (Jeffrey Archer)

Next In Line | Jeffrey Archer

Its celebration time as Willam Warwick and the team are back! Next In Line brings back all your favorite characters, for those of us who have followed the William Warwick series. Few things give the high that reading a Jeffrey Archer book on a lazed out, relaxed Saturday afternoon!

Next In Line conforms to the same set pattern that this series has so diligently stuck to. The ongoing story of the shrewd Miles Faulkner picks up from where it had left in Over My Dead Body. And, it continues to thread together all the books of this series. While in addition to it – just as in previous books – there is a fresh case at hand for Warwick and his team, which is unique to this book. From painting heists, drug cartels, corruption and murders, this time round they are tasked with Royalty Protection.

An interesting aspect of …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick

Over My Dead Body (Jeffrey Archer) | Book Review

Over My Dead Body | Book Review

As I had written in my previous post, I needed a desperate break from those dark, wild crime thrillers that were quite distressing to read. So what did I revert to as a safe, tried-and-tested bet? Jeffrey Archer. There is a reason he continues to be my favorite author by a mile.

The best thing about Jeffrey Archer probably is the fast paced narration that never flickers for a moment and very believable characters that feel like “normal” people around us. Add to it the perfect settings, the indulgent mention of arts, paintings, galleries – it is the flavor of these William Warwick Series of books.

So coming to the latest in the series, Over My Dead Body, we have William promoted here has Chief Inspector. The book starts by introducing a new character James – aboard the cruise that William & Beth are enjoying their holiday on (which had …


Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick

Hidden In Plain Sight (Jeffrey Archer) | Book Review

Hidden In Plain Sight | Book Review

A sunny autumn afternoon, a hot cup of tea and a Jeffrey Archer book to read. I cannot imagine a better indulgence than that. This second offering in the William Warwick series has every element that you would expect in a Jeffrey Archer book, not the least a spectacular plot with an amazing bunch of characters. Pure ecstasy! And that reminds me of the ecstasy tablet that so nearly got the better of Lamont & his team as they raided the estate of the thorn in their flesh, Miles Faulkner. A joy you wouldn’t want to miss!

With his Warwick Series, Jeffrey Archer has created such memorable characters that remain etched in every reader’s memory forever and leaving him craving for more. Hidden In Plain Sight carries forward the spectacular chase that was started in “Nothing Ventured”, not falling short on any expectation that the first book in the series …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick