The Schnabel Family

The Schnabel Family Series by Toni Jordan
Genre: Literary Fiction; Humor
Books In Series: 2

Prettier If She Smiled More

Prettier If She Smiled More | Book Review

An extremely free flowing, fluent & easy to read pick. Welcome back the Schnabel family that enthralled us with wit, humor and wackiness last year, and is all set to repeat here. Prettier If She Smiled More instantly draws you in with it’s simplistic & light-hearted vibes which assure it to be a feel-good read.

While Dinner With The Schnabels had Tansy’s family (Simon and the kids) in the thick of things, this time round we have her sister Kylie taking limelight. It’s always good when a sequel gives a supporting character of the past, a chance to be the main lead. It starts with Kylie having a disastrous week with 3 disasters coming her way one after …

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, The Schnabel Family

Dinner With The Schnabels (Toni Jordan)🥉

Dinner With The Schnabels | Book Review

Winner: 3rd Ranked Book 2022

An adorable, funny and heart-warming book. Dinner With The Schnabels bowled me over instantly! It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say, this is the funniest book I have read to date! A modern day classic from Toni Jordan!

Set amidst the pandemic lockdowns, it is a sweet story of the Schnabel family. It begins with Tansy Schnabel visiting a law firm seeking divorce related advise. Her husband, Simon Larsen has lost his business to the lockdown and is stationed at home entangled in a sundry of household chores and a stagnant life.

A landscaping assignment for a friend comes calling. Being the venue of Tansy’s estranged father’s memorial service, it is bound by an impossibly unforgiving deadline. As Simon slugs through this daunting task, the story takes you on a joy ride with the arrival of an unexpected guest, two adorable kids and …


Filed under 2022 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, The Schnabel Family