Mickey Gibson

Mickey Gibson Series by David Baldacci.
Genre: Thrillers;
Books In Series: 1

Simply Lies (David Baldacci) 🥈

Simply Lies | Book Review | David Baldacci

Winner: 2nd Ranked Book 2023

David Baldacci back with another feast of a read. A new detective series with the introduction of Mickey Gibson, I was so keenly awaiting this book. And dare I say, it surpasses all my expectations and Mickey Gibson is right up there with my other favorite Baldacci character Aloysius Archer.

Mickey Gibson is a single mom of two kids – Darby & Tommy. An ex-cop, she now works for a private investigative agency ProEye. Being a computer nerd, she specializes in hunting down assets of rich delinquents – away from actual crime scene action toying with danger. Her dad himself is an ex-cop.

The story sets rolling with a call she receives from an Arlene

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Filed under 2023 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, Mickey Gibson