Bharat Series

Bharat Series by Ashwin Sanghi
Genre: Historical Fiction
Books In Series: 7

The Magicians Of Mazda: Bharat Series Continues To Intrigue

The Magicians Of Mazda | Ashwin Sanghi

In his widely acknowledged book How To Stop Worrying And Start Living, Dale Carnegie urges you to read something that requires effort, thought and concentration, everyday – making you learn something useful. As with all Ashwin Sanghi books, The Magicians Of Mazda fits the bill perfectly yet again. While asking for your concentration, the book leaves you wholly enriched with something to gain in the form of the abundance of knowledge the book exudes. This latest offering in the Bharat Series has all that you can expect from an Ashwin Sanghi book. It has history, science, mythology, theology, some ancient relics open to various interpretations and puzzles to be solved.

The Magicians Of Mazda is heavily focused on the Zoroastrian history and has a Parsi community backdrop. The book starts with a fascinating setting with a theft in the British Museum where the Cyrus Cylinder gets stolen. …


Filed under Bharat Series, Contemporary Reads

The Vault Of Vishnu (Ashwin Sanghi) | Book Review

The Vault Of Vishnu | Book Review

With Ashwin Sanghi, you are bound to find a reference to Dan Brown drawing comparisons between the two. It actually is not unwarranted. These are two authors with a stark similarity in their area of writing & the subjects they spin their tales around. Dealing with some hidden ancient secrets, combining historical facts with myth, they share a common ground with enough space for each other. When you read one, you almost have a sense of Déjà vu and are naturally reminded of the other. While for Dan Brown it is an old brotherhood, for Sanghi it is the ancient rulers & dynasties; for Brown it is ‘The Holy Grail’, for Sanghi it is ‘The Vault of Vishnu’. And both make for fascinating reads all the same.

Ashwin Sanghi’s ‘The Vault Of Vishnu’ is an enjoyable mix of history, bio engineering, myth, thrill, suspense & drama. The basic plot of …


Filed under Bharat Series, Contemporary Reads