Lost Property (Helen Paris) | Book Review

Lost Property - Helen Paris | Book Review

A Lost Property office where people come looking for their lost belongings while some other considerate ones painstakingly to deposit something they found. The premise interested me instantly and promised to be a lovable read. And to start with, it kept up to the promise. It made for an interesting read to see the items people lost, how they were tagged and deposited in the Lost Property with smallest distinguishing descriptions making all the difference as to whether or not it shall get reunited with it’s owner, how each of these things may mean much more to it’s owner. And the joy when someone comes looking for it and is rewarded with the reunion. Albeit, not always so.

It is quite fascinating to read how this office works and how the lost items go through various stages – being tagged in, awaiting claim, moved to the pit of unclaimed items and finally ending up at an auction. Nice stuff. The book however has it’s highs and lows. I honestly had expected something more, or probably would be more apt to say – I had expected something different. Because, after a while the story just moves away from this premise and is wholly entangled in the life of the protagonist, Dot. I don’t actually mind that either, but I didn’t really like the story as it shaped up – her father found to be gay, ending his life. The boss trying to assault her. Her mom’s illness – I feel this is a very sensitive and delicate subject which these days is being used in every other book.

Looking at the brighter side, I truly loved how Dot goes all the way to take the Holdall back to Mr. Appleby. The Holdall has it’s share of fame from the delayed arrival at the office, to getting misplaced and ending up at the auction with Dot bidding for it and finally travelling all the way to reach Mr. Appleby after all the detective work to find his location.

A heart wrenching moment really when Dot’s mom few lucid days – and how she is again lost in her illness the next day when Dot returns with all she had asked for. Surely can have you in tears specially if you have seen something of the sort up close.

The book also has some beautiful similes it draws with life and some memorable lines like ‘Loss is the price we pay for love’. Or ‘Always choose life’. How Lost Property symbolizes undoing a loss or restoring something dear.

What pulls the book back up is the wonderful last few pages & the end – where so much is revealed, so many misconceptions dispelled and what remains with you is an abundance of hope and light. The reason for Dot’s sister to act the way she used to with her – she was always protecting her lil sister, always wishing she moved away so that she found her own happiness. The way the two sisters came together at the end brings a smile to your face. And of course, finding her love and doing what she always wanted to – travel.

Lost Property makes for a good read. You can take back a few good thoughts from it for sure.

Book Rating 6.5

Looking for some more light hearted reading? Am sure you could try The Village Shop For Lonely Hearts, it won’t let you down.

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Filed under Contemporary Reads

One Response to Lost Property (Helen Paris) | Book Review

  1. Amy

    Unusual kinda book. Thanks for sharing.

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