The Midnight Library (Matt Haig) | Book Review

The Midnight Library | Book Review

The Midnight Library is an immensely useful book that comes in handy for anyone who feels the need or scope of improvement in their lives or way of living and view of life. Though fiction, it is not a fun or leisure read. If you look for something to learn from what you read, and not just a plain simple story telling, this book fits into the slot.

The book has some good awakening thoughts. The book is basically telling you not to have regrets in life. It emphasizes the need to be content with one’s life as there is no life that is immune to some sadness and disappointment. No life is perfect. The Midnight Library propagates the existence of parallel universes – it tells you that doing one thing differently is often the same as doing everything differently – which probably is quite true. It makes me think, say I had chosen a different subject in my school/college, I would have had different friends, different surroundings, probably a different career – in short, I would be living a totally different life. And in the same manner, every day, every moment, each decision we make is leading us into a different possible life constantly.

Sure there are other lives existing somewhere, in which you are doing something different and living a different life – but there is no guarantee of that being better or worse. Through Nora Seed, it takes you on a journey through many different lives, in some of which you are what probably you regret not being in your root life. But then, there are other aspects of your current life missing in that life – which probably you never would trade for. And thus emphasizing the need to be happy & content with the lives we are living, focus upon it alone and value it. It is not what you look at but what you see that matters. Your perspective of the dark situations in life is what makes the difference. We can always be kind and compassionate to the people around us & be the cause of the little brightness, the little happiness is someone else’s life.

The Midnight Library is a thought provoking book. Everyone can take advantage of the learnings you takeaway from it. Only thing probably it could do away with was that at a point the journey into different lives became a bit too many. I started to feel, ok – I get it – each life has something to offer and something going against it – now tell me the crux of it, what is the end outcome. Other than that, a good read.

Before we go, a self help book worth a shot How To Stop Worrying And Start Living (Dale Carnegie) | Life Changing Book

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