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  • The Song Of Achilles

    The Song Of Achilles I Book Review | Madeline Miller

    First Published: 2011; Pros: A strong storyline, based on Greek mythology & legends, evokes strong emotions, a meaningful read.

    The Song Of Achilles is a riveting tale of love, pride, war, betrayal & loyalty that comes true as a modern day classic in a most deserved way. It is a compelling read with a captivating narration of the legend of the Trojan War and the characters & events surrounding it.

    Prominent Characters

    The principal characters of this intense saga from Madeline Miller include – the celebrated warrior Achilles the prince of Phthia. He is the son of King Peleus & Thetis (a sea nymph). He is later engaged by the Greek allies in the battle of Troy as being indispensable to their cause. Patroclus – son of King Menoitius – is exiled to Phthia after he accidentally kills a boy over a fight for dice. And it is there …

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    Treasure Island: 139th Anniversary πŸ”°

    Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson | Timeless Classics

    First Published: 14th November, 1883; Pros: Adventurous Plot, Legendary Characters

    Today marks the 139th anniversary of this Timeless Classic by – the beyond compare author – Robert Louis Stevenson. First published on 14th November, 1883, Treasure Island manages to withstand the test of time – being one of the most loved books of all time as it continues to endear itself not just to kids, but readers of all ages. I thought the best way to honour this book on this occasion would be to give it a fresh read and celebrate it by sharing what makes it so special.

    My Memories Of Treasure Island

    Treasure Island was part of my school text in the 6th standard. Thus, it is technically the first novel I ever read – be it as part of curriculum. I still remember the blurred visuals of my class teacher reading this book out to …

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    Filed under Misc. Reads, πŸ”°All Time Best Books

    The Giving Tree: An Impactful Moral Story

    The Giving Tree | Childrens Book | Shel Silverstein

    First Published: 1964; Pros: A moral story usable by kids & adults alike; Cons: None

    With most of the reading of the current year books behind me, I am so glad I am getting the opportunity to treat myself to some of these classic tales – simple, heart warming and impactful. That is what The Giving Tree is.

    This is a story about the selfless love and kindness of a tree. It keeps sacrificing everything it had to make the little boy happy, till it had nothing left. On one hand, from the tree’s perspective, it so beautifully depicts the virtues of selfless love, generosity and kindness. It is forever giving, so much so – even when it has nothing of value left, it still makes itself useful to the child in some way. On the other, from the human (child’s) perspective, it reflects upon the never ending desire …

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    Demon Copperhead: A Dark Story With Spurts of Brightness

    Demon Copperhead | Book Review

    The intended similarity to David Copperfield is what drew me towards this book by Barbara Kingsolver. I usually lack the patience for a weighty 600+ pages book. But such was my ardour to read the modernized version of the classic that I pepped myself to do it.

    Demon Copperhead traces the life of the protagonist Damon Fields – from the time of his birth in freakish circumstances, his life as an orphan accentuated by his journey through various foster homes, his adult life, a short lived fame and the unsavoury habits that threaten to ruin his life.

    The book starts with a whole lot of promise and keeps you engaged with a vivid and realistic narration of the adversity and challenges faced by little Damon starting with his birth in the most bizarre situation. It brings to light so wonderfully well – the hardships that a child is forced …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads

    The Housemaid: The Spine Chilling Read of 2022

    The Housemaid | Freida McFadden | Book Review

    An intriguing name, enticing you just enough to pick this one outright. The Housemaid comes from the house of Freida McFadden – an acclaimed name when it comes to thrillers. It is the first in The Housemaid Series and you can be assured of a roller coaster of a ride guaranteeing a flurry of adrenaline rush.

    Speaking of the name, one cannot help draw a comparison with one of the most successful books of the year – The Maid by Nita Prose. What’s more, even the names of the protagonists sound similar – Molly The Maid and here it is Millie. But that is where the similarity ends!

    The Housemaid begins with one of the central characters – Nina – sitting in her home, with the detectives investigating something, which is not immediately disclosed to the reader. From there on, the story goes into flashback – 3 months …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads, The Housemaid

    Next In Line (Jeffrey Archer)

    Next In Line | Jeffrey Archer

    Its celebration time as Willam Warwick and the team are back! Next In Line brings back all your favorite characters, for those of us who have followed the William Warwick series. Few things give the high that reading a Jeffrey Archer book on a lazed out, relaxed Saturday afternoon!

    Next In Line conforms to the same set pattern that this series has so diligently stuck to. The ongoing story of the shrewd Miles Faulkner picks up from where it had left in Over My Dead Body. And, it continues to thread together all the books of this series. While in addition to it – just as in previous books – there is a fresh case at hand for Warwick and his team, which is unique to this book. From painting heists, drug cartels, corruption and murders, this time round they are tasked with Royalty Protection.

    An interesting aspect of …

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    Filed under Contemporary Reads, William Warwick