Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead | Book Review

Finlay Dockovan Knocks 'Em Dead | Book Review

There is a special thrill in reading books from a series as opposed to stand alone books. Mostly, you get attached to the recurring characters. There is some sort of continuity in their plots which each sequel carries forward. Now, it is upon the author how well they execute it. Elle Cosimano’s Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead is a super entertaining read which made me regret not having read it’s prequel yet.

The story, in a nutshell, revolves around an inconspicuous and routine internet forum for women. On the face of it, it provides frustrated women to rant about their useless husbands & boyfriends. But as it would become apparent, it is just a front for something far more sinister. Some coded messages, some dangerous games!

We have our protagonist Finlay chancing upon one such threat to her ex husband’s life. And off starts a journey of adventure and thrill as Finn and her partner in crime Vero take it upon themselves to fight this threat off!

Mystery, Thriller And Comedy
An exemplary read showcasing the perfect mix of thrill & laughter.
The USP of this book is the rolling together of a mystery, a thriller and comedy into one single story. This is a unique combination that is fresh & novel. Elle Cosimano shows here, it isn’t necessary for a thriller to always be scary and spine chilling! You can laugh your way solving a crime, making it a super enjoyable read.


Finlay & Vero’s friendship shines through the book. Though they have known each other for just a month, their trust and comfort with each other is such that Finn feels safe to confide all of her secrets in Vero. Vero, on her part, goes to dangerous limits to help Finlay out of trouble.

A Situational Comedy

The situations that Finn & Vero find themselves in (or rather create for themselves) is exceedingly hilarious. Mess after mess that they end up in. Dangerous yet funny. And quite exciting to see them get past, mining their way each time. A few such situations are worth a mention.

I hope I am not giving much away, but a wretched corpse that fails to get disposed and keeps giving them company all long! At times in their home, at times the car. A thorn in their flesh, it sure is to give you some joyous moments.

Or for instance, everyone trying to hook Finlay with Nick. It leads to some funny little scenes that add humor to the book.

Adrenaline Rush

Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead surely manages a rush of adrenaline with some exhilarating sequences. The part where Donovan impersonates Kat and goes on to meet Feliks is one such instance. It all actually looked a little foolhardy, until when Feliks enters and addresses her as Ms. Donovan! It sends a chill as you turn in your seats to see what happens next!

A similar small little part when Finn & Vero are hiding in the backdrop of Carl’s house in the dark. And a voice from behind calls them out, pointing a gun at them.

Or that very entertaining chase in the Astro Martin where Finn rushes to save Steven, who is adamant not to get in her car until the truck driver fires at him hahah! And then when he does get in, what a ride! It is such a funny and exciting cat-n-mouse chase, maneuvering through a flurry of bullets – the Astro Martin which is worth a fortune and out on a test drive!

Suspense And Mysteries

Of course there is the main big suspense – the identities of a couple of faceless people – that hold you strong. Cosimano does a swell job at keeping the secret tight right till the last few pages of the book. I can vouch for it, I never could have preempted it in my wildest imagination. So full marks for that.

But that apart, there are some small little ‘mini-secrets and mysteries’ hovering around that keep getting revealed at different times in the book. They keep providing that little shot in the arm to maintain a zing throughout.

Interesting Characterization

Finlay Donovan for me is surely one of the best characters of 2022 (along with Molly The Maid!). Elle Cosimano has literally brought the characters to life. You almost can see Finlay in your imagination. And you feel so attached, you already find yourself waiting for the next book to see Finn again!

How can we not mention the busybody neighbor Mrs. Haggerty? As the author herself defines her – ‘The indomitable president of neighborhood watch’, this is a character that is so funny and peculiar in her own way.

And talking of characters, there’s one deserving a special mention – that rattling old van of Finlay! What all the poor thing goes through. Be it being privy to their acts or attracting all eyeballs as Donovan drives it in to a plush expensive showroom!


Finlay Donovan Book 2 is a winner all the way. An exemplary read showcasing the perfect mix of thrill & laughter. It lets you experience the fun of unfolding mysteries without having to get a nervous breakdown! The perfect category to place this book would probably be as ‘adventure’.

The end of the book is a cliffhanger! While the author successfully drives home the suspense at the very end, enough is left untold to guarantee another stunning sequel. The seeds of which are already sown.

This is such a wonderful series, I am waiting for that time of the year when there’s not much new stuff to read. So, I can go back and read the first book of it.

A fully recommended book, get your copy here.

Book Rating 9.0

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Filed under Contemporary Reads, Finlay Donovan

5 Responses to Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead | Book Review

  1. Pingback: Lessons In Chemistry | Book Review - BookForums | The Book Blog

  2. Anirban DG

    Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. My fav of the year.

  3. shaun

    what a book this hah! funny and thrilling.. waiting for the sequel!

  4. FedUp

    I loved the idea of FedUp and EasyClean hahahah… No wonder my id 🙂

  5. Pingback: The Meet Cute Method: Portia Macintosh At Her Best! | BookForums | The Book Blog

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