The Heiress

Plot Summary

Ruby McTavish, the infamous heiress of the Ashby House, Tavistock, leaves behind her inheritance to her adopted son Camden who is least interested in the money, estate or any of the McTavishes left and decides to stay away. 10 years later, a sequence of events draws Cam & has wife Jules back to Ashby House. And as they do so, there are revealed dark secrets that each of them had been guarding from the others. Ruby herself had her past – a kidnapping & 4 times widowed with an air of mystery surrounding it all. What was the truth behind her kidnapping, the truth about her husbands’ deaths, why did she adopt Camden, the reason for Cam & Jules returning are few of the questions that get answered through the read.

* Tantalizing plot right from the word go
* Perfect execution by the author
* A spooky, gothic feel with an air of mystery
* Unexpected twists, turns & revelations right throughout the book
* Parts on Ruby’s letters & her husbands’ deaths are thoroughly enjoyable
* A terrific story that ends on a high lending it a zing that leaves the reader in awe

* None *

A complete entertainer! Twists that are hard to guess, storyline that keeps you glued. A perfect thriller – not to be missed.

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