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The Lost Apothecary (Sarah Penner) 🥈🔰

The Lost Apothecary | Book Review

Winner: 2nd Ranked Book 2021

What is the first thing that pulls you toward a book? Probably the author? Or a recommendation from a friend? Word of mouth? For me, it was the name “The Lost Apothecary” that intrigued me enough to pull up this book. And dare I say, I picked up the best book I have read to date.

The title “The Lost Apothecary” hints towards something forgotten or hidden, probably a reference to some history, probably some element of suspense or an unknown factor. A quick search would tell you, an apothecary is someone who prepares or sells drugs or medicines. This in itself sets you thinking & lets the imagination go wild with all possibilities it might bring.

The book is beautifully woven around a 200 year old setting, 1791 to be precise, where lived Nella – the owner of the Apothecary. The Apothecary, originally …


Filed under 2021 Top 3, Contemporary Reads, 🔰All Time Best Books