None Of This Is True (Lisa Jewell) 🥉

None Of This Is True | Book Review | Lisa Jewel

3rd Ranked Book 2023;
Best Negative Character 2023 (Josie Fair)

A scintillating, addictive, dark story. Stunning narration & tantalizing suspense which continues to deceive till the very end. This basically sums up this page turner by Lisa Jewell.

None Of This Is True is about 2 women – Alix & Josie – who share the same birthday. They happen to be celebrating their 45th birthday in the same pub at the same time, where Josie befriends Alix introducing herself to Alix as “I am your birthday twin“. Alix is a popular podcaster and as Josie gets to know about it, she talks Alix into doing a podcast about her. And there on the story gets going with unanticipated twists and turns, not a breathing space in between!

What I love about this book, amongst many things, is it’s darkish undertone – with something sinister threatening to happen all the time. Josie’s character is crooked, flawed – an eccentric and weird person, definitely not a stable mind. And I think such characters make the story quite intriguing – look at past books like A Tidy Ending or The Lies I Tell – all with shades or grey. Josie is a crazy character who often makes you laugh with heir weird ways, and irritates you with her interfering with Alix’s life.

This already engrossing premise benefits from a completely immersive narration by the author. Major portions of the book are presented as interviews for the podcast recordings, some as Josie talking to herself. I loved how the scene keeps oscillating between the Netflix Original and the past. The book sails through effortlessly and makes for a very easy and quick read.

A great story is nothing without a great ending doing justice to the subject. I have heard lots n lots of comments on how people didn’t like it’s ending. On the contrary, it is the end that clinches it for this book as far as I am concerned. That was just the push it needed to add a fizz to it. A totally unexpected and unthought of turn that left me stunned and saying Oh My Gosh!!!

The ending explained & some questions answered

Ending Explained & Questions Answered - Spoiler Alert! (Click to read!)
Q.) What actually happened in the end? Was Josie actually telling the truth about Brooke? Or Roxy and Erin?

Ans.) The author has left this open to interpretation. It is left to the reader to decide for himself. While one view can be that Josie was telling the truth all along and everyone else was lying. And the other could be that Roxy & Erin were telling the truth and now Josie is only convincing herself that what she thinks is true.

For me personally, the instinctive feeling I got was that while Josie is a crazy character no doubt and that she had been lying off and on, but in this particular event she is actually telling(thinking) the truth. She actually was protecting her family and let all blame of Brooke’s murder fall upon herself. Roxy and Erin lied in order to protect themselves. This also seems to be supported by the fact that they fail to arrest Josie in the end. Had this angle of Roxy & Erin lying about Brooke not been brought about, the story would have desperately fallen short with Josie escaping scott free after all she did. Well again as I said, this is just my interpretation of the ending.

Q.) Whose mobile cover was it that was found in Josie’s underwear drawer?

Ans.) This is left unanswered by the author. It however points to the possibility that this is not the first time (or rather this is not the first of victims) that Josie has been involved with something sinister.

Q.) Why does Erin only eat soft food?

Ans.) Erin is suffering from ASD as we are told. So I guess that would be the reason.

Q.) Was Josie’s husband actually a paedophile?

Ans.) Well, yes as I see it. Even if Josie was lying about him abusing Erin, he did marry Josie all of 16 years when he was 41/42? So yeah!

Q.) Why did Josie kidnap Nathan?

Ans.) Josie is surely not a balanced person. She has an element of weirdness about her, crazy to an extent. Attribute it to her trobuled childhood, her mother making her feel unwanted, lack of being loved, incessantly being termed weird or stupid. She is fed up of her own family and husband. When Alix mentions a small problem she is facing with Natahn, Josie takes on to it. She keeps pressing the point in all their meetings and her imbalanced mind perks her to take it upon herself to “free” Alix of a undeserving husband. And hence she kidnaps him to make Alix realise the freedom she would get with Natahan out of the picture. She however blows it up and ends up killing Natahan.


None Of This Is True is a stunner. It will take something to beat this book this year. It’s unique premise, fast-paced narration and intriguing situations consistently keep you glued to it. It is a compelling read with no flaw that I can think of. I loved this book, my first of Lisa Jewell and it is a highly recommended read. Get your copy here.

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